sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

Historicidad (Historicity)

La polémica e innovadora concepción de la historicidad presentada por Alain Touraine (en Un nuevo paradigma), así como las nociones de historicidad más tradicionales en tanto que comprensión de la situacionalidad histórica, analizadas por Ferrater Mora y otros autores, las comparamos y relacionamos con los conceptos de cartografía narrativa y de anclaje narrativo que hemos desarrollado en diversas publicaciones sobre narratología evolucionista. La definición de estos conceptos se refina mediante el examen de sus interfaces y delimitaciones, y más en concreto por referencia a la oposición entre modos de conocimiento nomotéticos e idiográficos, así como a la oposición entre clases de acontecimientos y acontecimientos individuales.



English Abstract:  


Alain Touraine's innovative and polemical concept of historicity (in A New Paradigm), as well as the more traditional notions of historicity as the understanding of historical situatedness analyzed by Ferrater Mora and other authors, are compared and related to the notions of narrative mapping and narrative anchoring I have developed in a number of papers in evolutionary narrative. The definition of these concepts is further refined as their interface and borders are examined, in particular with reference to the opposition between nomothetic and idiographic modes of knowledge, and to the opposition between classes of events and individual events.

Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 3
Keywords: Events, Eventfulness, Evolution, Narrative mapping, Narrative anchoring, Conceptual mapping, Historicity, Narrative theory

SSRN eJournal Classifications ( Date posted: November 08, 2015)

AARN Subject Matter eJournals
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CSN Subject Matter eJournals
Cognition & the Arts eJournal - CMBO
CSN: Mental Operations (Cognition & the Arts) (Topic) - CMBO
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CSN Subject Matter eJournals
Cognition & the Arts eJournal - CMBO
CSN: Mental Operations (Cognition & the Arts) (Topic) - CMBO
CSN: Narrative & Story (Sub-Topic) - CMBO
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CSN Subject Matter eJournals
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--Cultural Anthropology eJournal - CMBO
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--Cultural Anthropology eJournal - CMBO
AARN: History & Ethnohistory (Topic) - CMBO
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PRN Subject Matter eJournals
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PRN Subject Matter eJournals
Philosophy of Mind eJournal - CMBO
PRN: Philosophy of Psychology & Cognitive Science (Topic) - CMBO
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PRN Subject Matter eJournals
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En el Cognition & the Arts eJournal

También aquí:

_____. "Historicidad." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 13 May 2011.*



_____. "Historicidad (Historicity)." Social Science Research Network 8 Nov. 2015.*     


         Cultural Anthropology: History, Theory, Methods & Applications eJournal 8 Nov. 2015.*



         Cognition & the Arts eJournal 8 Nov. 2015.*



         Cultural Anthropology eJournal 8 Nov. 2015.* (Later discontinued).


         Philosophy of Science eJournal 8 Nov. 2015.*



         Philosophy of Mind eJournal 8 Nov. 2015.*



_____."Historicidad." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 14 Nov. 2015.*



_____. "Historicidad." Academia 17 July 2017.*



_____. "Historicidad." ResearchGate 18 July 2017.*



_____. "Historicidad." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 3 Jan. 2023.*




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