sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012

Scoop.it: Retrospection

Una circular que envío a la lista de distribución de AEDEAN:

Estimados compañeros:

He abierto una revista electrónica/blog sobre teoría narrativa y retrospección, que podéis ver aquí:

RETROSPECTION: http://www.scoop.it/t/retrospection

Deseaba, al margen de dároslo a conocer, llamar vuestra atención sobre esta herramienta de creación y comunicación de webs temáticas o revistas, Scoop.it, que he conocido hace poco : pueden crearse con toda facilidad páginas sobre temas tan específicos como se desee, y con un proceso de búsqueda y filtrado de noticias en la red muy cómodo y bien organizado, pueden desarrollarse webs temáticas sobre cualquiera que sea el tema de vuestro interés. Os recomiendo que lo probéis; en su versión estándar es totalmente gratuito.

Un saludo,

Jose Angel García Landa
Universidad de Zaragoza

Y otra a la Narrative-List:

Dear Narrative-L members:

This is just to let you know that I have opened a new thematic blog on narrative theory, with a main focus on retrospection, hindsight and hindsight bias. Ecce:

Retrospection http://www.scoop.it/t/retrospection

I would also like to draw your attention to this electronic publishing website, Scoop.it, which hosts (for free) this blog. It is a really remarkable device to search and aggregate news, websites, publications etc., on any subject you may choose to search and curate, the process is really easy and user-friendly, my "Retrospection" page is just one example.

Well, perhaps someone may use it to start to collect and link all the webs and blogs dealing with narrative theory, although I haven't found so many so far. Although one may note that any tag in a blog related to narrative (or whatever) ALSO generates a thematic blog related to that subject, e.g. the "narratology" tag in my blog Vanity Fea (mostly in Spanish) may be an example:


Blogger is also user-friendly! More so than Facebook, if you want to archive and access your files.

Best regards,

Jose Angel Garcia Landa
University of Zaragoza


A list member questions whether these tools are more useful for one's private use, or for general attention—& my answer:

Dear Rafael,

As I see it, it's no either/or - just like a personal "classical" blog, a Scoop.it blog is most useful to the blogger himself, if only because of the frequency of use and attention - but whatever is useful to someone may be useful to people with similar interests. Who knows anything about the staying power of these tools - they may serve a provisional purpose, or some of them may stay around for decades, just like traditional journals. Most will be irrelevant to anyone, including the author, and quickly abandoned; others will gain authority and attention. But it's shifting ground and a hectic moment in communications technology, that's for sure. So I tend to stick to whatever it is I find interesting or amusing or user-friendly or promising... for the time being. Later, who knows, that's one reason why God created hindsight!

Best regards,


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