La noción de una construcción afectiva
de la realidad social mediante los sentimientos de aprobación y de
desaprobación puede remontarse a la Teoría
de los Sentimientos Morales de Adam Smith (1759). Relacionamos
aquí el sistema moral de Smith con sus aportaciones a la
auto-organización y al construccionismo social en su teoría económica.
Analizamos asimismo la dimensión interaccional que se halla en la
noción del 'espectador imparcial' de Smith, y vemos en ella un
importante precedente de las teorías construccionistas del
interaccionismo simbólico, y de las teorías dramatúrgicas de la
identidad personal.
La construcción afectiva de la realidad social
English Abstract:
The Affective Construction of Social Reality
The affective construction of social reality through feelings of approbation and disapprobation is a notion which can be traced back to Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759). This paper relates Smith's system of morals to his insights on self-organization and social constructionism in his economic theory. The interactional dimension in Smith's notion of the 'impartial spectator' is also analyzed, and seen as an important precedent of the constructionist theories of the symbolic interactionists and of dramatistic theories of the self.
Downloadable document is in Spanish.
Keywords: Adam Smith, Morals, Ethics, Philosophy, Affections, Sentiments, Social constructionism, Sociology, Social psychology, Dramatism, Self,
This paper has been accepted by a number of journals in several research networks: Anthropology, Cognitive Science, Economics, and Philosophy.
eJournal Classifications (Date posted: March 21, 2016) |
AARN Subject Matter eJournals |
CSN Subject Matter eJournals
Cognition & Culture:
Culture, Communication, Design, Ethics, Morality, Religion, Rhetoric,
& Semiotics eJournal - CMBO
ERN Subject Matter eJournals |
ERN Subject Matter eJournals |
ERN Subject Matter eJournals |
PRN Subject Matter eJournals |
PRN Subject Matter eJournals |
PRN Subject Matter eJournals |
PRN Subject Matter eJournals |
_____. "La construcción
afectiva de la realidad social." Academia
12 April 2017.*
_____. "La construcción
afectiva de la realidad social." ResearchGate
13 April 2017.*
_____. "La construcción afectiva de la realidad social." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 15 Dec. 2024.*
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