Armesilla, Santiago. "La Verdad sobre la Familia ROTHSCHILD [Parte I]." Video. YouTube (Santiago Armesilla) 20 Dec. 2024.* (Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Louis Rothschild, Lionel Rotschild, Guy de Rothschild, David René de Rothschild, The Rothschild Group, Evelyn de Rothschild, Conspiranoids, The Economist, Masons, Capitalism, Globalism, Finance; Hitler)
_____. "La Verdad sobre la Familia ROTHSCHILD [Parte II y FINAL]." Video. YouTube (Santiago Armesilla) 3 Jan. 2025.* (Daniel López, Historia del Globalismo; Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Finance capitalism, globalization, Debt, Royal families, Queen Victoria, Disraeli, Louis-Philippe; News control, Reuters, AFP, Havas, Wolf Agency, Édouard Drumont, Antisemitism, Alphonse Daudet, Balzac, James de Rothschild, Edmond de Rothschild, French politics 19th., Inter-Alpha Group of Banks: Bank of Scotland, Société Générale, Banco de Santander, Commerzbank, ING, Intesa San Paolo, National Bank of Greece, Nordea, AIB, KBC Bank, NovoBanco; Blackrock, Blackstone, Lord Jacob de Rothschild, George Soros, Benjamin de Rothschild, Edmond de Rothschild Group, Pogroms, Alphonse de Rothschild, Sionism, Jewish colonization of Israel, Lord Arthur Balfour, Lionel Walter Rothchild (2nd Baron Rothschild), Nathan Mayer Rothschild I and II, Israeli Educational Television, AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee, B'Nai B'rit, Anti-Defamation League, World Jewish Congress, Anthony Sutton, Subversion, Conspiranoia, John Robison, Protocols of the Elders of Sion)
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