domingo, 7 de abril de 2024

EU Parliament: Dr. David Martin on WHO and Covid as Bioweapon


Dr. David Martin gives a speech to the EU parliament concerning the WHO from Keith Coley on Vimeo.



Martin, David. "Dr. David Martin Gives a Speech to the European Parliament Concerning the WHO." Video. YouTube (Keith Coley) Oct. 2023.* (Elites, Pfizer, Moderna, Pharmaceutical lobbies; Conspiracies, Malaria vaccines, Gates foundation, Wellcome Trust, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Philanthropy, Genocide, Organized crime, Racketeering, Global terrorism, Peter Daszak, U of North Carolina, Gain of Function genetic engineering; Coronavirus hype and alarmism, DARPA, NIH, NIAID funding, biological warfare, Ralph Baric, propaganda and coertion, money laundering, profiteering and mass murder)



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