miércoles, 17 de enero de 2024

Gadamer Gamer

Me citan en Game Studies—y en Belfast—sobre la hermenéutica del videojuego va esto:

Meakin, Eoghain (Lecturer in Game Design, Ulster U, e.meakin@ulster.ac.uk), Brian Dixon (Head of the Belfast School of Art, U of Belfast, b.dixon@ulster.ac.uk) and Murat Akser (Senior Lecturer, Ulster U, and Kadir Has U Istanbul, m.akser@ulster.ac.uk). "Playing Games with Gadamer: Language for the Player and Protagonist's Interpretive Journey." Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research 23.3 (Dec. 2023): 1-12.*






NieR: Automata

Lo que citan es este artículo sobre la Espiral Hermenéutica: 


_____. "Retroactive Thematization, Interaction, and Interpretation: The Hermeneutic Spiral from Schleiermacher to Goffman." iPaper at Academia.edu 3 Feb. 2009.*





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