"El exceso de mortalidad en España casi triplica la media europea." Redacción Médica 22 agosto 2022:
In Spain, according to MoMo's age-adjusted figures, the July excess deaths as a % over baseline is 33.7%, by far the largest excess deaths in recorded history (except March and April 2020, when the pandemic hit), higher even than in any recorded winter as % over base line. https://t.co/oj1OV1TmUI pic.twitter.com/efR9QnwXhB
— JOSE GEFAELL (@ChGefaell) August 23, 2022
¿No hay ningún partido que exija una investigación y pida responsabilidades por esto? El plan de vacunas debe ser erradicado pic.twitter.com/Y9QPVsepPu
— Jesús Palacios (@jesuspalaciosjp) August 28, 2022
I'm extremely surprised that the media are only giving the "scoop" on Spain's historic excess deaths only now, at the end of August, when the excess began its almost unchanged escalation on week 13, ending April 3. As detailed above, >50% is from unknown, non-Covid or heat causes pic.twitter.com/KRtAOBUMBo
— JOSE GEFAELL (@ChGefaell) August 28, 2022
There has been 10 000 non covid related excess deaths in Europe in just 1 week alone.
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) August 28, 2022
This is a disaster that nobody is talking about.
Retweet if you think this should be bigger news🚨https://t.co/LTHRH9VLfe
No country used mRNA Covid shots earlier or more aggressively than Israel.
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) August 28, 2022
Two years later, deaths from all causes have been higher EVERY MONTH in 2022 in Israel than any year since 2017. They are 15% above the 2017-2020 average.
If this is mRNA success I’d hate to see failure. https://t.co/FNId8iStty
Israel 🇮🇱 official total mortality numbers released 👇
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) August 28, 2022
2020 was the year of “once-in-a-century pandemic” with no vaccines available. But total mortality in 2021 and 2022 is dramatically higher.
What's killing people en masse? Climate change? pic.twitter.com/jn4zN9dmrr
Aus 🇦🇺 Grab The Popcorn 🍿 This is astounding....Up Until July 31 2032 at 95% Double Waxxed Australia has seen a staggering 16.6% increase in ALL CAUSE MORTALITY over the historical Average. In May 2022 alone it was 13.5 %...Ask yourself, what on earth is going on 💣🔥👊 pic.twitter.com/Frkxomc9xw
— 𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙈𝙀𝙇𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙀 (@risemelbourne) August 28, 2022
JUST IN: With today's @CDC data update, excess mortality in the USA has now tripled since the @FDA EUA of the COVID-19 vaccines!
— Ben (@USMortality) August 24, 2022
> Excess mortality by week 51/'20 was +100 deaths/100k.
> Excess mortality by week 31/'22 is +300 deaths/100k.#Covid #Covid19 #Corona #Coronavirus pic.twitter.com/sES60z0ybH
Fatal Spike protein toxicity may be cumulative. At every six months it is being produced and deposited in tissues faster that it can be cleared. The respiratory infection exposes the body to more Spike and attendant inflammation. Observation is cohesive. pic.twitter.com/unVdYoKqeC
— Peter McCullough, MD MPH (@P_McCulloughMD) September 2, 2022
Europa registra oficialmente un sorprendente aumento del 691 % en el exceso de muertes entre los niños desde que la EMA aprobó por primera vez la vacuna COVID para niñoshttps://t.co/gZhbpGwAVz@vonderleyen @sanchezcastejon @sanidadgob @GobiernoDeEspan @Europarl_EN @Europarl_ES pic.twitter.com/y4U1ZTQTlt
— J. Dani MH (@MatamalasJ) August 30, 2022
— Eduardo Verástegui (@EVerastegui) September 4, 2022
Contra la atribución de estas muertes a las vacunas:
Díaz Villanueva, Fernando. "Posibles causas del exceso de mortalidad." Video. YouTube (Fernando Díaz Villanueva) 7 Sept. 2022.*
Recomiendo mejor leer los comentarios, en concreto el más largo.
— El Contrafuerte (@ElContrafuerte) September 12, 2022
Según el MoMo, el sistema de monitorización de la mortalidad diaria, desde enero de 2021 han fallecido un 7,72% de españoles más de los previstos
La sobremortalidad en 2021 fue inferior a la de 2022. La de 2023, ¿será mayor que la de 2022?
— El Contrafuerte (@ElContrafuerte) September 12, 2022
¿Algún partido político lo va a denunciar? ¿Alguno se atreverá a pedir una comisión de investigación? ¿A alguno le importa más la vida de los españoles que sus expectativas electorales?
En septiembre se acumulan las noticias de sobremortalidad, y llamadas de atención sobre los peligros de las vacunas covidianas:
400 doctors declare medical crisis over COVID vaccines, recommend an immediate stop to all programs - https://t.co/FhdQVl49hT #OANN
— One America News (@OANN) September 12, 2022
Preocupante pic.twitter.com/Py7zYrV9CM
— Víctor Lenore (@Lenore1789) September 17, 2022
Australia. UPDATE.
— O.S. (@OS51388957) September 30, 2022
Age standardised mortality rates as given in https://t.co/hA9Jz83SBj
Excess VS 2015-19 week specific trends & 'seasonal' mortality W26-w25 vs 4 pre pandemic seasons (to 2018-19).
*Note HMD graphics but the data are from the above link. pic.twitter.com/TRzCZ2rjOB
_____. "Excess deaths in young adults." Video. YouTube (Dr. John Campbell) 10 Feb. 2025.*
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