miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2022

Reflections on the Pandemic & the Future -- Yuval Noah Harari & Tokyo Metropolitan University

My comments:

 José Angel García Landa

Min.1.07. "Trusting science". Unfortunately, or fortunately, science is not a solid monolith of truth but a contested ground. Especially as regards novel and unforeseen developments in any field. Invoking "Science" as such is just a sleight of hand for Trusting the Experts.... i.e. the experts designated as such by those in power, to favour and further their preferred policies. So "Science" as it parades through the political marketplace is also Fake News, most of the time.

José Angel García Landa 
Min. 35. It's misguided notions like this one of "a border wall between (hu)mankind and the viruses" (such ignorance of virology and epidemiology is flabbergasting) that fuels stupid and criminal policies like that of China's 'zero covid' policy in Shanghai and elsewhere, or the Australian totalitarian antics. This is wrongheaded, misinformed and unrealistic.
"We have effective vaccines against it...." Weeeeellll...... They've been effective in lining up some people's pockets, mostly.

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