domingo, 23 de marzo de 2025

NATO Targets Its OWN Population With Cognitive Warfare!



Tögel, Jonas. (U of Regensburg). Cognitive Warfare. (Power, Propaganda, PsyOps, Control, Ideology, Plato, Cognition, Cognitive dissonance, Public relations, Persuasion).

_____. "Kognitive Kriegsführung: Neueste Manipulationstechnike als Waffengattung der NATO." Video lecture. YouTube (WIR – Wissen Ist Relevant) 2 June 2024.*  (Edward Bernays, strategic communication, spin doctors, public relations, war propaganda, public opinion, manufacture of consent, Joseph S. Nye, Persuassion, Emotions, Yuval Noah Harari, George Creel, framing).


_____. "Revealed: NATO Targets Its Own Population with Cognitive Warfare!" Interview by Pascal Lottaz. Video interview. YouTube (Neutrality Studies) 4 Feb. 2025.* (Power, Propaganda, PsyOps, Control, Ideology, Plato, Cognition, Public relations, Emotions, Persuasion,).


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