domingo, 9 de mayo de 2021

La agenda abortista totalitaria de las Big Tech

 Mensaje que me llega pidiendo donaciones para compensar su expulsión de TODAS las plataformas llevadas por las grandes compañías de redes sociales. Está claro que hay una política de censura y pensamiento único, como quedó claro desde el golpe de estado en las elecciones americanas y la expulsión de Trump de todas estas redes.


Our pro-life reporting is being attacked. So is the truth. We can’t back down in the fight against abortion!
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Dear Jose Angel,

As the unprecedented censorship of truth runs rampant, we continue to be censored and banished by merciless Big Tech tyrants who are determined to silence free speech of people seeking truth – just like you.

The most recent adversary is Facebook – who with absolutely NO warning this week – flagged one of our posts about COVID-19 as “going against community standards,” and then immediately shut down our entire page. This is not just “strike one” – there is no chance for recourse. LifeSiteNews has been obliterated from Facebook for good.  

No warning. No discussion. No appeal. Just the iron fist of Big Tech.  

This completes our banishment from nearly every mainstream social media outlet: YouTube, Twitter, Google Analytics, and now Facebook. For a long time, these outlets were major drivers of traffic to our news site, which is how we became such a threat (even Tucker Carlson took note of our ban from Facebook this week!).


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