martes, 8 de julio de 2014

The Big Bang before the Big Bang

According to received opinion, the Big Bang theory of cosmology was formulated by Lemaître in the first half of the 20th century, and received acceptance as a scientific account of the Universe in the later 20th century. This paper examines some ideas and passages by a trio of unorthodox cosmologists from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (Erasmus Darwin, Edgar Allan Poe and Herbert Spencer) and shows how they anticipate some of the the major outlines of the Big Bang theory. Although their insights were not formulated within the discipline of mathematical physics, they should not be disregarded in their role as cosmologists, as the construction of mental and narrative models is an important aspect of evolutionary science. It was such insights that allowed to conceive of cosmology and physics as evolutionary sciences, a paradigm change that is still under way.

"El Big Bang antes del Big Bang—en Spencer, Darwin, y Poe (The Big Bang before the Big Bang—in Spencer, Darwin, and Poe)." Social Science Research Network 10 July 2014.*

Cultural Anthropology eJournal 10 July 2014.

English & Commonwealth Literature eJournal 10 July 2014

Philosophy of Science eJournal 10 July 2014


1 comentario:

  1. Anónimo2:40 p. m.

    Poe was the first to propose that revolutionary new view on our universe ?
    Polish poet Juliusz Słowacki [1809-1849] wrote between 1843/4-1846? – i.e. a few years earlier than E.A.Poe – a mystical prose poem entitled «Genesis from the Spirit» published in 1871. If we reduce the mystical parts of the poem to a minimum and leave only the purely « objective » parts, we arrive at the following :
    “…The Spirit… turned one point… of invisible space into a flash of Magnetic-Attractive Forces. And these turned into electric and lightning bolds – And they warmed up in the Spirit… You, Lord, forced him… to flash with destructive fire… You turned the Spirit… into a ball of fire and hung him on the abysses… And here… a circle spirits… he grabbed one handful of globes and swirled them around like a fiery rainbow… “
    This is how poetic intuition could anticipate the scientific discoveries (« It is a fascinating case of cosmology in literature » – A.Cappi about «Genesis from the Spirit» )…
    (see :,big-bang-according-to-the-19th-century-polish-poet-j-slowacki )
    Best regards,


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