sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

Perspectiva narrativa sobre HISTORIA DEL TIEMPO

Reseña con resumen y comentario de HISTORIA DEL TIEMPO, de Stephen Hawking, sintetizando las tesis principales del libro y evaluándolas desde el punto de vista de una filosofía del tiempo (tanto cósmico como humano) informada por la teoría narrativa y la filosofía evolucionista. Cualquier historia o teoría del tiempo, por compleja que sea, ha de volverse más complicada una vez se tiene en cuenta el papel de las descripciones, modelos y teorías en tanto que instrumentos cognitivos históricamente situados. El lenguaje intencionalista de Hawking a la hora de describir el "diseño cósmico" también se somete a crítica.

Texto completo:

Perspectiva narrativa sobre HISTORIA DEL TIEMPO, de Stephen Hawking

Cognition in Mathematics, Science, & Technology eJournal 2.19 (15 Nov. 2010). DOI:10.2139/ssrn.1707364


- This is a review and commentary of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time, summarizing some of the book's main tenets and evaluating them from the standpoint of a philosophy of time (both cosmic and human) informed by narrative theory and by evolutionary philosophy. Any account of time, however complex, is further complicated once the role of descriptions as historically situated cognitive instruments is taken into account. Hawking's intentionalist discourse as regards cosmic design is also criticized.

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CSN Subject Matter eJournals
Cognition in Mathematics, Science, & Technology eJournal - CMBO
CSN: Science (Topic) - CMBO
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CSN Subject Matter eJournals
Distributed in Cognition in Mathematics, Science, & Technology eJournal
Vol 2, Issue 19, November 15, 2010
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PlanetSciRN Subject Matter Journals
Cosmology & Large-Scale Structure eJournal - CMBO
PlanetSciRN: Other Cosmology & Large-Scale Structure (Topic) - CMBO
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Cognition in Mathematics, Science & Technology eJournal

Also in

Cognition & Culture eJournal 2.59 (2010) -  11 November 2010


_____. "Historia del tiempo." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 14 Oct. 2007. Rev. of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time.



_____. "Perspectiva narrativa sobre Historia del tiempo, de Stephen Hawking (Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time: A Narrative Perspective)." SSRN 11 Nov. 2010.*




Cognition & Culture: Culture, Communication, Design, Ethics, Morality, Religion, Rhetoric & Semiotics eJournal 2.59 (24 Nov. 2010).*


         http://www.ssrn.com/link/Cognition-Culture.html (11 Nov. 2010)

         2014 DISCONTINUED 2024

         Cognition in Mathematics, Science, & Technology eJournal 2.19 (15 Nov. 2010).


http://www.ssrn.com/link/Cognition-Math-Science-Tech.html (11 Nov. 2010).


         Literary Theory & Criticism eJournal 11 Nov. 2010.*



         Philosophy of Science eJournal 11 Nov. 2010.*



         Cosmology & Large-Scale Structures eJournal 11 Nov. 2010.*



_____. "Perspectiva narrativa sobre Historia del tiempo, de Stephen Hawking." Academia.edu 11 Nov. 2010.*



_____. "Perspectiva narrativa sobre Historia del Tiempo, de Stephen Hawking." Online PDF at Zaguán 23 Oct. 2011.*



_____. "Perspectiva narrativa sobre Historia del Tiempo, de Stephen Hawking." Imperfect copy at Scribd (Frank Alfaro) 17 Sept. 2013.*



_____. "Perspectiva narrativa sobre Historia del Tiempo, de Stephen Hawking." Vanity Fea 18 Jan. 2014.*



_____. "Perspectiva narrativa sobre Historia del Tiempo, de Stephen Hawking." ResearchGate 23 Jan. 2014.*



 _____. "Perspectiva narrativa sobre Historia del Tiempo, de Stephen Hawking." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 4 Jan. 2024.*




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