martes, 18 de junio de 2024

Dr. Scott Atlas on Why We Were Forced to Jab & Mask | Real Talk


Atlas, Scott. "Dr. Scott Atlas on Why We Were Forced to Jab & Mask. Real Talk." Video interview by Marissa Streit. YouTube (PragerU) 3 April 2024.* (Corruption, Big Pharma, NIH, WHO, Tedros, Fauci, Academic cabal, Herd spirit, Health policies, Alarmism).





Iversen, Kim. "How the Powerful Captured the Public During the Pandemic: Kim Iversen Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr." Video interview. (The Kim Iversen Show). Red Voice Media 9 Feb. 2023.* (Covidianism, Pentagon, Deep State, Big Pharma, Totalitarianism).



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