lunes, 28 de octubre de 2019

Symbolism of dreams

A commentary to this post on J.B. Priestley's  I Have Been Here Before:

Martín Alegre, Sara. "Time and J. B. Priestley: I Have Been Here Before." The Joys of Teaching Literature
my commentary —
I wouldn't say that science's view on humans is merely that "we are just a random series of events." There are many levels and forms of order, both strict and partial, to go through before we reach ultimate randomness. And many sciences too, it doesn't come as a bulk sale!  Likewise, as regards the symbolism of dreams, I would argue that there IS a symbolism in them all right, only it is not "our symbolism", I mean not the symbolism that our waking selves would choose to use or recognize. Of course there are transactional translations between that symbolism and our own, e.g. Freud's, which may feel unsatisfactory to other dreamers and other interpreters, but we cannot leave it at dreams being chaotic or meaningless and that's it, we need to interpret them, and then what becomes really more symbolic for our systems to manage is the narrative of the dream, i.e. the dream once it has been modified, retold and adapted for our waking consumption. Which is not quite the same thing as the dream...


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