miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2019

The Geographical Imagination eJournal

Me avisan en la SSRN de que tengo una publicación antigua seleccionada para una de sus nuevas revistas de la red de investigación en Geografía, The Geographic Imagination eJournal.

Your Paper is Included in


Hello Jose Angel Garcia Landa,
SSRN is pleased to announce GeographyRN, SSRN's new Geography Research Network, where researchers in geography and related fields can share ideas and other early stage research. Users can post preprints and working papers and can quickly upload and read GeographyRN papers, spanning interdisciplinary geography related content, including geographic theories, educator courses, cases and teachings, human settlement, nature and society, physical geography, spatial analysis, spatial processes, geographic imagination, and many more granular topics. All for free.

One of your papers, "Polibio y el tiempo geológico (Polybius and Geological Time)", has been selected for inclusion in the GeographyRN launch as part of the The Geographic Imagination eJournal,GeographyRN: Cultural Geography (Topic),GeographyRN: Cultural Worlds (Sub-Topic),GeographyRN: Historical Geography (Topic),GeographyRN: Historical Geography Sources (Sub-Topic) area(s). Connections among researchers across disciplines provide different perspectives on similar problems and allow for collaborations.


Congratulations on being selected, and we hope you will share additional papers through SSRN.

Es mi único artículo geográfico-geológico hasta la fecha, "Polibio y el tiempo geológico"; aquí:


The Geographic Imagination eJournal

Aparecerá una traducción, reescritura y ampliación de este artículo, su versión 2.0 o "Plus Ultra"—o quizá haya aparecido ya—en Rusia, en otra revista nueva, el Greater Mediterranean Journal, de la Universidad de Sebastopol. Bueno, Rusia o Ucrania... Crimea, ya saben, territorio en disputa, allá por el Bósforo Cimerio.


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