jueves, 4 de abril de 2024



Carlson, Tucker. "Unveiling the Shocking Truth: How Covid and Vaccines Are Rewiring Our Brain." Interview with Michael Nehls. (Tucker Carlson Tonight 4 Jan. 2024). YouTube (Monster University – Minecraft Animations) 2 April 2024.*


         2024  - Borrado....

Aquí con subtítulos suecos:

Carlson, Tucker. "How Covid and Vaccines Are Rewiring Our Brains: Unveiling the Shocking Truth - Tucker Carlson Tonight April 1, 2021." Video interview with Michael Nehls. YouTube (Monster University – Minecraft Animations) 2 April 2024.* (Coronavirus, Inmunology, Brain, Neurology, Proteins, Alzheimer's, Depression, Vaccines, Genetic engineering, MRNa, Depression, Manipulation, Herd spirit, Memory).

         YouTube (Martin Stensö Officiell) 4 April 2024.* (Swedish subtitles).




Nehls, Michael. Das Indoktrinierte Gehirn. 2024.  (Coronavirus, Inmunology, Brain, Neurology, Proteins, Alzheimer's, Vaccines, Genetic engineering, MRNa, Depression, Manipulation, Herd spirit, Memory).

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