viernes, 7 de julio de 2023

The Baby Butcher

 En el Baby Butchers' Club están, en realidad, todas las feministas que tan alegremente piden "aborto libre".

Williams, R. Seth (District Attorney), et al. "In the Court of Common Pleas – First Judicial District of Pennsylvania – Criminal Trial Division – In Re: Misc. No. 0009901-2008. – Grand Jury XXIII: C-17." Online PDF.* (Kermit B. Gosnell, "Women's Medical Society").



Saletan, William. "The Baby Butcher: Pro-Choice Absolutism and the Grisly Abortion Scandal in Philadelphia." Slate 20 Jan. 2011.* (Kermit B. Gosnell, "Women's Medical Society").


_____. "The Baby Butcher, Revisited: Is It OK to abort a Viable Fetus? An Answer to Pro-Choicers on Kermit Gosnell." Slate 24 Jan. 2011.*


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