miércoles, 5 de abril de 2023

Microblog de abril 2023

Luces de Cangas


30 Apr 23, 23:50
JoseAngel: Literatura y Tecnología (A Bibliography): https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-tecnologia.html
30 Apr 23, 17:08
JoseAngel: Microblog de abril 2023: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/04/microblog-de-abril-2023.html
30 Apr 23, 13:42
JoseAngel: El tema Tucker Carlson: Programa Completo de La Voz de César Vidal - 25/04/23 https://youtu.be/Z5cVoccl-fY
30 Apr 23, 09:24
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: The Phrase that Launched a Thousand Ships https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-phrase-that-launched-thousand-ships.html
30 Apr 23, 09:01
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Un dimanche à Paris https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/un-dimanche-paris.html
30 Apr 23, 08:58
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Retrospecting & Storifying https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/retrospecting-storifying.html
30 Apr 23, 00:37
JoseAngel: Top 0,09: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/04/top-009.html
29 Apr 23, 10:18
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Descubrimientos retroactivos https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/descubrimientos-retroactivos.html
29 Apr 23, 10:03
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: En cas de tempête ce jardin sera ferme https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/en-cas-de-tempete-ce-jardin-sera-ferme.html
29 Apr 23, 09:08
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: BBC Horizon - Order and Disorder https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/bbc-horizon-order-and-disorder-with-jim.html
29 Apr 23, 08:33
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Feist - Bittersweet Melodies https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/feist-bittersweet-melodies.html
29 Apr 23, 08:15
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: On Thatcher as the Witch http://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/on-thatcher-as-witch.html
28 Apr 23, 23:59
JoseAngel: As close to the Moon as I'll ever get #flickr https://flic.kr/p/2ovUzsA
28 Apr 23, 22:34
JoseAngel: José Angel García Landa SSRN ranking top 0,0009%—not kidding.
28 Apr 23, 22:34
JoseAngel: José Angel García Landa SSRN ranking top 0,09%.
28 Apr 23, 18:27
JoseAngel: La perspectiva dominante en El Arte de la Guerra: Más aspectos de un clásico chino https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/suntzu.pdf
28 Apr 23, 17:09
JoseAngel: Christina Ashten, mártir de la causa: https://www.instagram.com/christinaashten/
28 Apr 23, 17:03
JoseAngel: Mártir de la causa: https://www.abc.es/gente/muere-doble-kim-kardashian-tras-someterse-nueva-20230428103934-nt.html
28 Apr 23, 16:56
JoseAngel: 8 mayo, Domicilio Conyugal https://cultura.unizar.es/actividades/domicilio-conyugal-ciclo-aula-de-cine-los-lunes-del-aula-de-cine
28 Apr 23, 13:55
JoseAngel: Libertad de expresión y libertad académica https://theobjective.com/elsubjetivo/opinion/2023-04-27/libertad-expresion-academica/
28 Apr 23, 11:07
JoseAngel: La Anna Karenina de Tom Stoppard https://thishugestage.blogspot.com/2023/04/la-anna-karenina-de-tom-stoppard.html
28 Apr 23, 10:47
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: La Anna Karenina de Tom Stoppard: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/la-anna-karenina-de-tom-stoppard.html
28 Apr 23, 10:18
JoseAngel: José Antonio Primo de Rivera: el hombre y el mito https://youtu.be/PfZcRp6DmH0
28 Apr 23, 06:34
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Ce printemps à Paris https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/ce-printemps-paris.html
28 Apr 23, 06:20
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Ayala y la evolución inteligente https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/ayala-y-la-evolucion-inteligente.html
28 Apr 23, 05:54
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Bibliografía de mitología y religión griega https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/bibliografia-de-mitologia-y-religion.html
28 Apr 23, 05:38
JoseAngel: Los blogs y la narratividad de la experiencia: https://narrativetheoryandnarratology.hcommons.org/2023/04/28/los-blogs-y-la-narratividad-de-la-experiencia-5/
28 Apr 23, 05:33
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Un artículo mío que aparece en varios eJournals https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/un-articulo-mio-que-aparece-en-varios.html
28 Apr 23, 04:48
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Anaconda refractada https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/anaconda-refractada.html
27 Apr 23, 22:37
JoseAngel: SSRN Jose Angel Garcia Landa Author Rank is 1,100 out of 1,207,027
27 Apr 23, 22:35
JoseAngel: Microblog de febrero 2020: https://garciala.blogia.com/2023/042701-microblog-de-febrero-2020.php
27 Apr 23, 19:35
JoseAngel: Notes on Friedrich Schleiermacher's 'Hermeneutics: The Handwritten Manuscripts' https://www.academia.edu/12014307/
27 Apr 23, 13:10
JoseAngel: Mi blog sobre COVIDIANOS: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/search/label/Covidianos
27 Apr 23, 10:08
JoseAngel: DISCRETO GENOCIDIO EN LAS RESIDENCIAS https://cronicaglobal.elespanol.com/politica/esperanza-vida-residencias-catalanas-se-desploma_797196_102.html
27 Apr 23, 05:28
JoseAngel: El ABC promoviendo y apoyando la legalización del incesto: https://www.abc.es/espana/cataluna/dos-hermanos-quieren-casar-granollers-20230426144033-nt.html
27 Apr 23, 04:15
26 Apr 23, 23:49
JoseAngel: The Great Betrayal: https://vernoncoleman.org/articles/heres-why-cowardly-doctors-didnt-dare-stand-and-tell-truth-about-covid-and-jab
26 Apr 23, 23:40
JoseAngel: La perspectiva dominante en 'El Arte de la Guerra': https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/sunziibercampus.pdf
26 Apr 23, 22:59
JoseAngel: Literatura y espacio (A Bibliography) https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-espacio.html
26 Apr 23, 17:26
JoseAngel: "Half of 'Long Covid' Sufferers Have Never Had Covid, Says New Study." https://dailysceptic.org/2023/04/03/half-of-long-covid-sufferers-have-never-had-covid-says-new-study/
26 Apr 23, 09:22
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Pensar genera entropía https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/pensar-genera-entropia.html
26 Apr 23, 09:16
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: El paro y el PPSOE https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/el-paro-y-el-ppsoe.html
26 Apr 23, 08:52
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Looking through the Glass Cage https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/looking-through-glass-cage.html
25 Apr 23, 20:11
JoseAngel: Nunca sospechamos que la Trans-ición iba a acabar en esto.
25 Apr 23, 16:11
JoseAngel: "La salud mental del profesorado en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/la-salud-mental-del-profesorado-de-la.html
25 Apr 23, 13:55
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: La competencia del narrador en la ficción https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/sobre-la-competencia-del-narrador-en-la.html
25 Apr 23, 05:07
JoseAngel: "Metáforas transfóbicas." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/metaforas-transfobicas.html
25 Apr 23, 03:56
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Firefox 3.0 https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/firefox-30.html
25 Apr 23, 03:51
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Cinema of South Africa https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/cinema-of-south-africa.html
24 Apr 23, 21:35
JoseAngel: "PSOE = Corrupción." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/psoe-corrupcion.html
24 Apr 23, 13:27
JoseAngel: The Story Behind Any Story: The Paris Lecture https://www.academia.edu/11889571/
24 Apr 23, 13:13
JoseAngel: "But you can fool most of the people all of the time if most of them are fools." I SAID THAT, someone else DID it.
24 Apr 23, 11:40
JoseAngel: Hiperexigencia y redes sociales: https://www.heraldo.es/noticias/sociedad/2023/04/23/rafael-santandreu-las-redes-sociales-son-el-peor-invento-para-la-salud-mental-1647045.html
24 Apr 23, 11:37
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Los actos de habla según Fish https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/los-actos-de-habla-segun-fish.html
24 Apr 23, 11:14
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: L'instant d'amour (2) https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/linstant-damour-2.html
23 Apr 23, 18:15
JoseAngel: Literatura y Sociología (A Bibliography): https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-sociologia.html
23 Apr 23, 14:35
JoseAngel: Narrador, Narración y Narratario (Acción, Relato, Discurso, 3.2) https://www.academia.edu/11860455/
23 Apr 23, 14:11
JoseAngel: MLA Commons: CRITICISM https://mla.hcommons.org/deposits/?facets[subject_facet][]=883735%3ACriticism%3Atopical
23 Apr 23, 12:37
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Muerte y moridera https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/muerte-y-moridera.html
23 Apr 23, 12:23
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Una luz en el Panteón https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/una-luz-en-el-panteon.html
23 Apr 23, 12:22
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Entrevista con Arsuaga https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/entrevista-con-arsuaga.html
23 Apr 23, 06:54
JoseAngel: Davos 2023-Foro Económico Mundial, Klaus Schwab, Tony Blair, Control New World Order https://*****ute.xyz/g4EYhisZ3GDY
22 Apr 23, 23:30
JoseAngel: "El complot mundial de la Plandemia." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/el-complot-mundial-de-la-plandemia.html
22 Apr 23, 19:24
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: La evolución cósmica https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/la-evolucion-cosmica.html
22 Apr 23, 19:07
JoseAngel: It's over and NATO is finished | Redacted with Clayton Morris https://youtu.be/qXt3heeqAuk
22 Apr 23, 17:40
JoseAngel: "Santiago Abascal denuncia la sumisión de Pedro Sánchez ante Marruecos: '¿Por qué razón lo hace?'" https://youtu.be/SJC0Yuxwey0
22 Apr 23, 15:02
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Vista del fondo de una calle de París https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/vista-del-fondo-de-una-calle-de-paris.html
22 Apr 23, 14:55
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Colonialism and Post-Colonialism https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/colonialism-and-post-colonialism.html
22 Apr 23, 10:33
JoseAngel: La tía Carmen nos traía siempre caramelos Sugus.
22 Apr 23, 09:24
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Future Shock https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/future-shock.html
22 Apr 23, 09:14
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: On the Future of the Book https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/on-future-of-book.html
22 Apr 23, 08:04
JoseAngel: "China 'Began Developing Two Covid Vaccines' Before Official Outbreak- Most Likely Came from a Lab Leak." https://t.co/oZ8FuQhwyX
22 Apr 23, 07:36
JoseAngel: "Enjuanes y Enjuagues." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/enjuanes-y-enjuagues.html
22 Apr 23, 07:17
JoseAngel: "El PIB de Sánchez." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/el-pib-de-sanchez.html
22 Apr 23, 00:11
JoseAngel: 'Too True to Be True': Cartografía narrativa https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/TooTrue.pdf
21 Apr 23, 23:33
JoseAngel: "Animalismo cavernícola." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/animalismo-cavernicola.html
21 Apr 23, 23:09
JoseAngel: "Dos Estafadores." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/dos-estafadores.html
21 Apr 23, 23:01
JoseAngel: "El enigma de la imagen." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/el-enigma-de-la-imagen.html
21 Apr 23, 23:01
JoseAngel: "Peperos y Arrimados." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/peperos-y-arrimados.html
21 Apr 23, 21:00
JoseAngel: EN LA BOCA DEL LOBO TERTULIA https://www.youtube.com/live/itlpqEToEYU
21 Apr 23, 17:32
JoseAngel: 'Too True to Be Good': Cartografía narrativa https://www.academia.edu/11807022/
21 Apr 23, 15:03
JoseAngel: CONTRA LA MAYORÍA https://youtu.be/5qM-7X7HIkI
21 Apr 23, 10:41
JoseAngel: Apollo 11 | The American mission to the moon | Conquering space | Over 11 Hours of Upscaled Video. https://youtu.be/bUDSPu8zdxQ
21 Apr 23, 08:58
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Nivel narrativo, status, persona... https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/nivel-narrativo-status-persona.html
21 Apr 23, 08:54
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Horizon - Tomorrow's World: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/horizon-tomorrows-world.html
21 Apr 23, 08:53
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Black Holes (BBC) https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/horizon-black-holes-bbc.html
21 Apr 23, 08:10
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Room 215 https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/room-215.html
21 Apr 23, 08:07
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Bloggingheads Science Faction on Complexity and Innovation https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/bloggingheads-science-faction-on.html
21 Apr 23, 08:07
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Blogginheads Science Faction on Complexity and Innovation https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/bloggingheads-science-faction-on.html
20 Apr 23, 22:39
JoseAngel: Literatura y Sociedad (A Bibliography) https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-sociedad.html
20 Apr 23, 19:08
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: The Last Resort https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-last-resort.html
20 Apr 23, 19:03
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Evolution, Ecology and Behavior https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/evolution-ecology-and-behavior.html
20 Apr 23, 18:54
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/enunciacion-ficcion-y-niveles.html
20 Apr 23, 18:31
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Le Panthéon la nuit https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/le-pantheon-la-nuit.html
20 Apr 23, 17:57
JoseAngel: CAMPAÑA TOTAL CONTRA VOX, AYUSO "CON GANAS" Y YOLANDA DÍAZ REVIENTA PODEMOS. https://www.youtube.com/live/oue-Qb2pl48
19 Apr 23, 20:11
19 Apr 23, 16:23
JoseAngel: Una vez soñé que me encontraba en una librería de viejo unos antiguos volúmenes con la Historia de España del Padre Mariana.... ¡y bingo, aparecieron, como la flor de Coleridge!
19 Apr 23, 16:07
JoseAngel: Literatura y Sexualidad - Género y Literatura (A Bibliography) https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-sexualidad-genero-y.html
19 Apr 23, 09:12
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: El atentado de Boston y el 11-M https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/el-atentado-de-boston-y-el-11-m.html
19 Apr 23, 09:11
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Fotografiando París https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/fotografiando-paris.html
19 Apr 23, 09:06
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Hubble's Law and the Big Bang https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/hubbles-law-and-big-bang.html
19 Apr 23, 09:02
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Silbando (2) https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/silbando-2.html
18 Apr 23, 20:47
JoseAngel: Un sueño memorable.
18 Apr 23, 20:47
JoseAngel: WHO Treaty https://rumble.com/v2ix59c-who-treaty.html
18 Apr 23, 20:21
JoseAngel: Una tarde bonita con Miriam y Vincent, y Lilia y Adem. Por las orillas del Ebro.
18 Apr 23, 12:45
JoseAngel: Microblog de enero 2020: https://garciala.blogia.com/2023/041701-microblog-de-enero-2020.php
18 Apr 23, 11:33
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Notre Dame desde la Rive Gauche https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/notre-dame-desde-la-rive-gauche.html
18 Apr 23, 11:32
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Hotel Normandy https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/hotel-normandy.html
18 Apr 23, 11:27
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: The Last Days of Chez Nous https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-last-days-of-chez-nous-1992.html
18 Apr 23, 11:26
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: De los mil primeros del primero de los mil https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/de-los-mil-primeros-del-primero-de-los.html
18 Apr 23, 09:30
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Cinema of Australia https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/cinema-of-australia.html
18 Apr 23, 05:21
17 Apr 23, 23:33
JoseAngel: Dr. Jessica Rose Testifies about VAERS Data and Covid Models." https://rumble.com/v2i1s5y-dr.-jessica-rose-testifies-about-vaers-data-and-covid-models-day-1-winnipeg.html
17 Apr 23, 18:18
JoseAngel: "Los colegios, obligados a denunciar a los padres que nieguen a sus hijos cambiar de sexo." https://www.elmundo.es/espana/2023/04/15/6439bc3621efa0c7748b45bd.html
17 Apr 23, 13:24
JoseAngel: "Veblen y la teatralidad." https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/veblenteatralidad.pdf
17 Apr 23, 11:32
JoseAngel: The Phrase that Launched a Thousand Ships (La frase que lanzó mil barcos al mar) https://www.academia.edu/11733902/
17 Apr 23, 11:07
JoseAngel: "11M – 19 años después con Terra Ignota - ¿Qué ocurrió?" https://www.youtube.com/live/4c4N_dcwZOQ
17 Apr 23, 10:39
JoseAngel: "El PP se retrata." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/el-pp-se-retrata.html
17 Apr 23, 10:37
JoseAngel: "Vox vs. Sánchez. Primer debate de la Moción de Censura 2023." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/vox-vs-sanchez-primer-asalto-mocion-de.html
17 Apr 23, 06:20
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Yo y mi conferencia en París https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/yo-y-mi-conferencia-en-paris.html
17 Apr 23, 06:12
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: BBC Horizon: How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/bbc-horizon-how-many-people-can-live-on.html
17 Apr 23, 05:59
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: La retórica de Vico https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/la-retorica-de-vico.html
16 Apr 23, 23:54
JoseAngel: Literatura y ciencia (A Bibliography): https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/ciencia-y-literatura.html
16 Apr 23, 21:35
JoseAngel: Pongo un comentario en 'La escritura expandida' https://theconversation.com/la-escritura-expandida-194611
16 Apr 23, 21:11
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Notre hôtel au Quartier Latin https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/notre-hotel-au-quartier-latin.html
16 Apr 23, 12:08
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Are We Real? https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/are-we-real.html
16 Apr 23, 12:02
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: De crecimiento y decrecimiento: Apostilla al futuro sostenible https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/apostilla-al-futuro-sostenible.html
16 Apr 23, 10:17
JoseAngel: Trump, líder moral: https://gaceta.es/opinion/trump-lider-moral-20230416-0600/
16 Apr 23, 00:36
JoseAngel: "What’s in the Pfizer Documents?" (Complete). https://rumble.com/v2hpryu-naomi-wolf-whats-in-the-pfizer-documents.html
15 Apr 23, 23:18
JoseAngel: "Bombazo. El Gobierno admite la siembra del cielo con nanotecnología." https://youtu.be/l6Vluc1_1GM
15 Apr 23, 17:37
JoseAngel: "Corrupción de Altos Puñeteros." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/corrupcion-de-altos-puneteros.html
15 Apr 23, 17:22
JoseAngel: "La hipocresía de la izquierda." https://youtu.be/8mvfIF58rmM
15 Apr 23, 14:43
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Par la rue Mouffetard https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/par-la-rue-mouffetard.html
15 Apr 23, 12:57
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Microblog de abril 2013 https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/microblog-de-abril-2013.html
15 Apr 23, 12:52
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Stand By Me (3) https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/stand-by-me-3.html
15 Apr 23, 12:46
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Top 75 Authors https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/top-75-authors.html
15 Apr 23, 12:24
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Reading The Monster / Reading Racism https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/reading-monster-reading-racism.html
15 Apr 23, 11:23
JoseAngel: "Dragó sobre su propia muerte.* https://youtu.be/SmqCxxUUxk0
15 Apr 23, 06:44
JoseAngel: "Physio-Metabolic and Clinical Consequences of Wearing Face Masks." https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1125150
15 Apr 23, 06:37
JoseAngel: "Los narcos de la ría." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/los-narcos-de-la-ria.html
14 Apr 23, 18:45
JoseAngel: El status narrativo en la Trilogía (Samuel Beckett y la narración reflexiva, 3) https://www.academia.edu/11710833/
14 Apr 23, 16:41
JoseAngel: Evasiones fiscales del Fiscal 'anticorrupción' https://youtu.be/-pd_E3bbkMc
14 Apr 23, 16:21
JoseAngel: EVASIÓN "FISCAL" https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/04/parte-del-patrimonio.html
14 Apr 23, 10:54
JoseAngel: Dragó sobre su propia muerte. Descansa en Paz Querido Amigo. https://youtu.be/SmqCxxUUxk0
14 Apr 23, 09:41
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Avenue d'Italie 2 https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/avenue-d-2.html
14 Apr 23, 09:21
JoseAngel: Tomorrow Is a Long Time: https://youtu.be/Owkq54mPP5I?t=3262
14 Apr 23, 09:05
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Hierarchically Minded https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/hierarchically-minded.html
14 Apr 23, 08:58
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Mis entradas más vistas según Blogger https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/mis-entradas-mas-vistas-segun-blogger.html
14 Apr 23, 07:38
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Les Innocents - L'Autre Finistère https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/les-innocents-lautre-finistere.html
13 Apr 23, 20:16
JoseAngel: Microblog de diciembre 2019: https://garciala.blogia.com/2023/041301-microblog-de-diciembre-2019.php
13 Apr 23, 17:05
JoseAngel: CONTRA LA MASCARILLA LOSCOJONES https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/04/contra-la-mascarilla-loscojones.html

13 Apr 23, 09:43
JoseAngel: Juan Zaragoza, plandemia y conspiranoia https://elotroplano.tv/video/juan-zaragoza-la-guerra-contra-el-alma/
13 Apr 23, 09:06
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Javiera Mena - Yo no te pido la luna https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/javiera-mena-yo-no-te-pido-la-luna.html
13 Apr 23, 09:01
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Rainy evening: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/rainy-evening.html
13 Apr 23, 08:56
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: A boicotearse https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/a-boicotearse.html
13 Apr 23, 08:13
JoseAngel: Bonjour.
12 Apr 23, 23:32
JoseAngel: 1+1=2? (Evolucionismo y matemáticas) https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/1+1.pdf
12 Apr 23, 23:20
JoseAngel: La gran filtración https://youtu.be/y8jB-1V08cs
12 Apr 23, 22:42
JoseAngel: Literatura y religión (A Bibliography): https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-religion.html
12 Apr 23, 15:59
12 Apr 23, 13:35
JoseAngel: Entrando en la Trilogía: La narración en 'Molloy' https://www.academia.edu/11402845/
12 Apr 23, 12:41
JoseAngel: VOX: 'SUMAR' es una marca blanca del PSOE https://youtu.be/8AbmbzG7NO0
12 Apr 23, 08:59
JoseAngel: El anarcolandismo: https://gaceta.es/opinion/el-anarcolandismo-20230412-0600/
12 Apr 23, 07:15
JoseAngel: Margarita Robles, "la bien pagá" https://youtu.be/zNEmY3xIO-I?t=1385
11 Apr 23, 23:46
JoseAngel: "Una demanda colectiva da pie al primer juicio por daños por la vacuna del Covid-19." https://www.abc.es/sociedad/demanda-colectiva-pie-primer-juicio-danos-vacuna-20230411191342-nt.html
11 Apr 23, 21:18
JoseAngel: "11M: el principio del fin. #8 – Un final abierto." https://odysee.com/@TerraIgnota:a/11m-el-principio-del-fin.-8-un-final:5
11 Apr 23, 21:07
JoseAngel: "Fully Vaxxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows." Slay 2 April 2023.* https://slaynews.com/news/fully-vaxxed-lose-25-years-life-expectancy-study-shows/
11 Apr 23, 21:07
JoseAngel: I saw you this morning - You were moving so fast.
11 Apr 23, 17:37
JoseAngel: Literatura y racismo (A Bibliography) https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-racismo.html
11 Apr 23, 10:23
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: En el American Literature eJournal https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/en-el-american-literature-ejournal.html
11 Apr 23, 05:24
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Brian Cox, lecture on the Universe https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/brian-cox-lecture-on-universe.html
11 Apr 23, 05:16
JoseAngel: "L'homme a créé des dieux; l'inverse reste à prouver" (Gainsbourg)
11 Apr 23, 05:03
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Espiando al martín pescador https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/espiando-al-martin-pescador.html
11 Apr 23, 05:01
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Miro la vida pasar (2) https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/miro-la-vida-pasar-2.html
11 Apr 23, 04:53
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Historia del abuelo https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/historia-del-abuelo.html
10 Apr 23, 23:45
JoseAngel: Traducción, Interacción, Retroacción: Una relectura de Benjamin y de Man desde la teoría materialista del discurso https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/RelecturaBenjamin.pdf
10 Apr 23, 19:05
JoseAngel: Diez columnas de Dragó en La Gaceta: https://gaceta.es/espana/diez-columnas-imprescindibles-de-fernando-sanchez-drago-en-la-gaceta-20230410-1421/
10 Apr 23, 14:32
JoseAngel: De las Academias / y las epidemias / de gente ovejuna, / de grandes pandemias / y de sus vacunas /¡Líbranos, Señor!
10 Apr 23, 13:58
JoseAngel: PfizerGate: Escándalo, fraude, y todo lo que queráis añadir: https://jugo.social/pfizergate-escandalo-fraude-y-todo-lo-que-querais-anadir/
10 Apr 23, 12:53
JoseAngel: El Inmortal Sánchez Dragó: https://elmanifiesto.com/tribuna/559153616/De-las-academias-libranos-Senor.html
10 Apr 23, 12:31
JoseAngel: Soy de las pocas personas que ha leído 'Gárgoris y Habidis' (íntegramente) en voz alta.
10 Apr 23, 12:21
JoseAngel: "En la cabeza está el secreto de casi todo." Descanse en Pax, Fernando Sánchez Dragó.
10 Apr 23, 12:19
JoseAngel: Muere Sánchez Dragó. Pax in terra. https://www.heraldo.es/noticias/ocio-y-cultura/2023/04/10/muere-fernando-sanchez-drago-de-un-infarto-1643954.html
10 Apr 23, 12:05
JoseAngel: Entrevista con Fray Josepho, censurada en YouTube: https://go.ivoox.com/rf/106013772
10 Apr 23, 07:30
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Historia del abuelo https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/historia-del-abuelo.html
10 Apr 23, 07:23
JoseAngel: #145 Pa' lo que queda en el convento..., con Fray Josepho https://www.youtube.com/live/JuOYJdVsjoM
10 Apr 23, 07:16
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Motorcycle Shadow https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/motorcycle-shadow.html
10 Apr 23, 06:53
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Stuart Hall on Representation and Race https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/stuart-hall-on-representation.html
10 Apr 23, 06:44
JoseAngel: EL PURGATORIO | Jano García https://youtu.be/PZZIXVCyNew
10 Apr 23, 06:33
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Asalto a Unizar 2013 https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/asalto-unizar-2013.html
10 Apr 23, 06:27
JoseAngel: More people trying to make sense of the 'shots' https://stewpeters.com/video/2023/04/exclusive-who-whistleblower-confirms-horror-mrna-narrative-a-psyop-shots-are-not-biological/
10 Apr 23, 06:26
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Questions of Cultural Identity https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/questions-of-cultural-identity.html
10 Apr 23, 06:20
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Evening at the Torre del Agua https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/evening-at-torre-del-agua.html
9 Apr 23, 23:15
JoseAngel: Con la ley trans, cualquier hombre puede convertir a su mujer en lesbiana y miembro del colectivo LGBT.
9 Apr 23, 22:59
JoseAngel: #143 Transliteración, con Inocente Duke https://www.youtube.com/live/b68NlXrd4Xs
9 Apr 23, 21:32
JoseAngel: SSRN Jose Angel Garcia Landa Author Rank is 1,102 out of 1,184,374
9 Apr 23, 21:32
JoseAngel: (He visto a Omael por la plaza).
9 Apr 23, 21:31
JoseAngel: El mundo es un enigma de aspecto inexpresivo.
9 Apr 23, 17:50
JoseAngel: Conceptos básicos de narratología (Samuel Beckett y la narración reflexiva, 1) https://www.academia.edu/11285557/
9 Apr 23, 16:35
JoseAngel: "La ilegalidad de la campaña de vacunación contra la Covid-19 y su derivación en crímenes de lesa humanidad." https://t.co/4U3lskzEgp
9 Apr 23, 14:03
JoseAngel: "El peor castigo." https://gaceta.es/opinion/el-peor-castigo-20230408-1042/
9 Apr 23, 13:52
JoseAngel: Los manifestantes parisinos identifican al enemigo y asaltan Blackrock. https://gaceta.es/europa/los-manifestantes-parisinos-identifican-al-enemigo-y-asaltan-la-sede-de-blackrock-20230408-1325/
9 Apr 23, 12:28
JoseAngel: "News from the Front Lines: Switzerland withdraws Covid Vaccines, Spike Protein kills brain cells" https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/news-from-the-front-lines
9 Apr 23, 12:13
JoseAngel: Suiza retira las vacunas Covid: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/news-from-the-front-lines
9 Apr 23, 12:01
JoseAngel: Literatura y raza (A Bibliography): https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-raza.html
9 Apr 23, 11:28
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: La Universidad de Zaragoza durante la Guerra Civil https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/la-universidad-de-zaragoza-durante-la.html
9 Apr 23, 11:21
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Chavales; pabellón puente https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/chavales-pabellon-puente.html
9 Apr 23, 11:19
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Elogio de la Thatcher https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/elogio-de-la-thatcher.html
9 Apr 23, 00:25
JoseAngel: MIRAD LOS COMENTARIOS A ESTA SINIESTRA Y FALSARIA INVITACIÓN DEL GOBIERNO: https://twitter.com/sanidadgob/status/1644601972711108608
8 Apr 23, 23:09
JoseAngel: "La salud mental del profesorado." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/la-salud-mental-del-profesorado.html
8 Apr 23, 09:59
JoseAngel: Enjuanes sobre virus y vacunas. Y mis comentarios que le he puesto. https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/04/virus-y-epidemias-luis-enjuanes.html
8 Apr 23, 09:20
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: La conexión Don Juan de Borbón - Hitler: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/la-conexion-don-juan-de-borbon-hitler.html
8 Apr 23, 09:18
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Un cierto caos urbano-vegetal https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/un-cierto-caos-urbano-vegetal.html
8 Apr 23, 09:08
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Otium cum dignitate: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/otium-cum-dignitate.html
8 Apr 23, 08:54
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Trayectorias de la vida https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/trayectorias-de-la-vida.html
7 Apr 23, 20:56
JoseAngel: "Trump denuncia el lobby globalista-belicista." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/trump-denuncia-el-lobby-globalista.html
7 Apr 23, 17:09
JoseAngel: Editorial: Jeffrey Sachs cuenta la verdad sobre la guerra de Ucrania. https://youtu.be/sC6okuBNhig
7 Apr 23, 14:58
JoseAngel: "Adverse Event World Scandal." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/adverse-event-world-scandal.html
7 Apr 23, 12:24
JoseAngel: La estructura pragmática de la narración literaria (Acción, Relato, Discurso, 3.1) https://www.academia.edu/11220639/
7 Apr 23, 10:34
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Liza Das, Cultural Studies: Evolution and Culture https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/liza-das-cultural-studies-evolution-and.html
7 Apr 23, 10:32
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: La pestaña postiza https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/la-pestana-postiza.html
7 Apr 23, 10:30
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Martin Amis on 'Lionel Asbo' https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/martin-amis-on-lionel-asbo.html
7 Apr 23, 10:23
JoseAngel: The Widest Horizon: https://youtu.be/5RB1j8zx8jY?t=1543
7 Apr 23, 09:46
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Notre voiture https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/notre-voiture.html
7 Apr 23, 09:45
JoseAngel: Microblog de noviembre 2019: https://garciala.blogia.com/2023/040601-microblog-de-noviembre-2019.php
6 Apr 23, 23:44
JoseAngel: "Sanitarios farsantes." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/sanitarios-farsantes.html
6 Apr 23, 20:32
JoseAngel: Who can hinder, that which will be?
6 Apr 23, 19:43
JoseAngel: Aburro a las ovejas.
6 Apr 23, 17:44
JoseAngel: "11-M, manipulación y desinformación." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/11-m-manipulacion-y-desinformacion.html
6 Apr 23, 17:06
JoseAngel: "Why Are Healthy People Dying Suddenly Since 2021." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/why-are-healthy-people-dying-suddenly.html
6 Apr 23, 16:35
JoseAngel: Literatura y Psicología (A Bibliography): https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-psicologia.html
6 Apr 23, 16:00
JoseAngel: "Plandemia en Utopía." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/plandemia-en-utopia.html
6 Apr 23, 16:00
JoseAngel: "Hombres Juezos." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/hombres-juezos.html
6 Apr 23, 06:46
JoseAngel: "Estáis en peligro." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/estais-en-peligro.html
6 Apr 23, 06:39
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Paris s'éveille https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/paris-seveille.html
6 Apr 23, 06:33
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: How Hip Is Human Life History? https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/how-hip-is-human-life-history.html
6 Apr 23, 06:29
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Boucan d'enfer https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/boucan-denfer.html
6 Apr 23, 06:26
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Contra la privatización de Registros Civiles https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/contra-la-privatizacion-de-registros.html
6 Apr 23, 06:20
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Amoureux de Paname https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/renaud-amoureux-de-paname.html
6 Apr 23, 06:15
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Narración, identidad, interacción: Relectura: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/rereading-narrative-identity-and_6.html
6 Apr 23, 00:14
JoseAngel: Underwhelmed.
6 Apr 23, 00:03
JoseAngel: "Bucles en la mente: Autointeracción, retroalimentación cerebral, y la realidad como expectativa autocumplida." https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/Bucles.Autointeraccion.pdf

5 Apr 23, 19:09
JoseAngel: "How Many Deaths Were Caused by the Covid Vaccines? An Approximate Analysis Using Minimal Assumptions." https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/how-many-deaths-were-caused-by-the
5 Apr 23, 17:39
JoseAngel: Mi blog sobre fotos: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/search/label/Fotos
5 Apr 23, 07:06
JoseAngel: La Rosa Nostra: https://twitter.com/f6258031/status/1643179810275966977
5 Apr 23, 07:03
JoseAngel: Cuando se ven las cosas con retrospectiva: https://www.scoop.it/topic/retrospection
5 Apr 23, 06:47
JoseAngel: Literatura y cultura popular (A Bibliography) https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-cultura-popular.html
5 Apr 23, 06:22
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Sombras le avisaron https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/sombras-le-avisaron.html
5 Apr 23, 06:21
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Recalando en Biescas con nieve https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/recalando-en-biescas-con-nieve.html
4 Apr 23, 23:43
JoseAngel: 11M - 19 AÑOS DESPUÉS con TERRA IGNOTA ¿QUÉ OCURRIÓ? https://www.youtube.com/live/4c4N_dcwZOQ
4 Apr 23, 18:19
JoseAngel: La política espectacular de 'Julio César': https://www.academia.edu/10510315/
4 Apr 23, 10:49
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: The Beatrice https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-beatrice.html
4 Apr 23, 00:54
JoseAngel: "La Mascarilla es maltrato infantil." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/la-mascarilla-es-maltrato-infantil.html
3 Apr 23, 23:48
JoseAngel: "Chaos and the Emergence of Order in Evolutionary Cosmology: Two Classical Accounts." https://personal.unizar.es/garciala/publicaciones/Chaos&theEmergence.pdf
3 Apr 23, 23:45
JoseAngel: Ya nadie está para tonterías.
3 Apr 23, 17:25
JoseAngel: "Las 'Feministas' contra el punitivismo." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/las-feministas-contra-el-punitivismo.html
3 Apr 23, 10:28
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: De Chartres a La Rochelle https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/de-chartres-la-rochelle.html
2 Apr 23, 19:26
JoseAngel: Retrospection: https://www.scoop.it/topic/retrospection
2 Apr 23, 16:42
JoseAngel: "Sumar – El himno* https://youtu.be/UGf6eSi6hVQ
2 Apr 23, 16:23
JoseAngel: Vanity Fea: 'Virus, Covid-19 y vacunas' por Margarita de Val https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2022/02/virus-covid-19-y-vacunas-por-la.html
2 Apr 23, 16:21
JoseAngel: "La estafa renovable, y renovada." https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/la-estafa-renovable-y-renovada.html
2 Apr 23, 14:50
JoseAngel: "Sumar – El himno – Yolanda Díaz y su nueva coalición política" https://youtu.be/UGf6eSi6hVQ
2 Apr 23, 12:09
JoseAngel: Literatura y Política (A Bibliography): https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-politica.html
2 Apr 23, 10:31
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: Rereading(,) Narrative(,) Identity(,) and Interaction https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/rereading-narrative-identity-and.html
2 Apr 23, 10:11
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: A View of the Top of a House https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/a-view-of-top-of-house.html
2 Apr 23, 10:09
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: La Ménagérie et Les Arènes https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/la-menagerie-et-les-arenes.html
2 Apr 23, 10:01
JoseAngel: Retropost, 2013: El mundo flotante https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2013/04/el-mundo-flotante.html
2 Apr 23, 00:37
JoseAngel: "Especial 11-M: El día que cambió la historia de España." https://youtu.be/XmRCY424u0E
1 Apr 23, 16:42
JoseAngel: Polibio y el tiempo geológico: https://www.academia.edu/10372866/
1 Apr 23, 11:35
JoseAngel: Literatura y Filosofía (A Bibliography): https://bibliojagl.blogspot.com/2023/04/literatura-y-filosofia.html
1 Apr 23, 11:33
1 Apr 23, 11:20
JoseAngel: Microblog de marzo 2023: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2023/03/microblog-de-marzo-2023.html




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