jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

"Tell my story" - The human compulsion to narrate by Stephen Greenblatt

Stephen Greenblatt is one of the world's leading literary theorists and Shakespeare scholars. He is often regarded as the main founder of New Historicism, a term he first used in his 1982 introduction to The Power of Forms in the English Renaissance; he himself has referred to New Historicism as 'cultural poetics'. The approach has been one of the most influential strands of literary criticism over the last decades and has had an immense impact on English literary history. Greenblatt has published widely on literary theory and within the fields of cultural, Renaissance and Shakespeare studies. His 2004 biography of Shakespeare, Will in the World: how Shakespeare became Shakespeare, was on the New York Times Best Seller List for nine weeks, and he has won several prestigious prizes and awards, among them the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction.

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