lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

Más sobre punto de vista y estructura narrativa

Siguen saliendo libros de la serie "Narratologia", en la que colaboro a veces. Acabo de recibir los más recientes, dos volúmenes colectivos sobre punto de vista en la narración y sobre teoría narrativa rusa. Con este contenido:

Hühn, Peter, Wolf Schmid and Jörg Schönert, eds. Point of View, Perspective, and Focalization: Modeling Mediation in Narrative. (Narratologia, 17). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. (I. Re-Specifications of Perspective. II. Some Special Aspects of Mediation. III. Transliterary Aspects of Mediation).

Hühn, Peter. "Introduction." 1-8.
Meister, Jan-Christoph, and Jörg Schönert. "The DNS of Mediacy." 11-40.
Margolin, Uri. (Edmonton, Canada). "Focalization: Where Do We Go from Here?" 41-57.
Jesch, Tatjana, and Malte Stein (Hamburg). "Perspectivization and Focalization: Two Concepts—One Meaning? An Attempt at Conceptual Differentiation." 59-77.
Rabatel, Alain. (Lyon). "A Brief Introduction to an Enunciative Approach to Point of View." 79-98.
Martens, Gunther. (Ghent, Brussels, Antwerp). "Narrative and Stylistic Agency: The Case of Overt Narration." 99-118.
Herman, David. (Columbus, Ohio). "Beyond Voice and Vision: Cognitive Grammar and Focalization Theory." 119-42.
Richardson, Brian. (College Park, MD). "Plural Focalization, Singular Voices: Wandering Perspectives in 'We'-Narration." 143-59.
Sotirova, Violeta. (Nottingham). "A Comparative Analysis of Indices of Narrative Point of View in Bulgarian and English." 163-82.
Kubícek, Tomás. (Prague). "Focalization the Subject and the Act of Shaping Perspective." 183-99.
Huck, Christian. (London). "Coming to Our Senses: Narratology and the Visual." 201-18.
Weidle, Roland. (Hamburg). "Organizing the Perspectives: Focalization and the Superordinate Narrative System in Drama and Theater." 221-42.
Schlickers, Sabine. (Bremen). "Focalization, Ocularization and Auricularization in Film and Literature." 243-58.
Kuhn, Markus. (Hamburg). "Film Narratology: Who Tells? Who Shows? Who Focalizes? Narrative Mediation in Self- Reflexive Fiction Films." 257-78.. (Almodóvar, La mala educación; Lars Kraume, Keine Lieder über Liebe).
Thon, Jan-Noël. (Hamburg). "Perspective in Contemporary Computer Games." 279-99.

Schmid, Wolf, ed. Russische Proto-Narratologie: Texte in kommentierten Übersetzungen. (Narratologia, 16). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009.

Veselovskij, Aleskandr. "Poetik der Sujets." Extracts. Ed and trans. Matthias Aumüller. 1-13.
Shklovskij, Viktor. "Zum Sujet und seiner Konstruktion." From Theorie der Prosa. Ed. and trans. Wolf Schmid. 15-46.
Aseev, Nikolaj. "Der Schlüssel des Sujets." Extract. Ed. Marianne Dehne and Galina Potapova, comment by Galina Potapova. 47-66.
Petrovskij, Michail. "Die Morphologie von Pushkins Erzählung 'Der Schuss'." Ed. and trans. Matthias Aumüller. 67-89.
Skaftymov, Aleksandr. "Die thematische Komposition des Romans 'Der Idiot'." Extract. Ed. and trans. Galina Potapova. 91-112.
Skartymov, Aleksandr. "Poetik und Genese der Bylinen. Skizzen." Extracts. Ed. and trans. Christiane Hauschild, commentary by Galina Potapova. 113-29.
Propp, Vladimir. "Morphologie des Märchens." Extract. Trans. Christel Wendt, ed. Christiane Hauschild. 131-61.
Nikiforov, Aleksandr. "Zur Frage der morphologisches Erforschung des Volksmärchens." Ed. and trans. Christiane Hauschild. 163-178.
Gruzdev, Il'ja. "Über die Maske als literarisches Verfahren." Ed. and trans. Christine Gölz. 179-93.
Vinogradov, Viktor. "Zum Autorbild." Select. from Über die Künslerische Prosa, Die Wissenschaft von der Sprache der Literatur und ihre Aufgaben, Das Problem des Autorbildes in der Literatur. Ed. and trans. Christine Gölz. 195-225.
Korman, Boris. "Zur Autor-Theorie." Ed. and trans. Christine Gölz. 227-59.
Lotman, Jurij. "Zum künstlerischen Raum und zum Problem des Sujets." From Der künstlerische Raum in Gogol's Prosa. 261-89.

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