martes, 13 de agosto de 2024

The Simplicity, Unity & Complexity of Life from the Biosphere to the Anthroposphere

West, Geoffrey. (Santa Fe Institute, born c. 1939) "The Simplicity, Unity & Complexity of Life from the Biosphere to the Anthroposphere." Video lecture. YouTube (Hopkins Natural Philosophy Forum) 18 March 2024.*  (Sustainability, Systems, Networks, Evolution, Complexity, Structures, Scale, Size, Growth, Economy, Infrastructures, Postindustrial society, Cities, Telephones, Interactions, Energy, Metabolism, Consumption, Anthopocene, Collapse, Paradigm shifts, Innovations, Malthus, John von Neumann, Singularity, Longevity).


Three graphs from this talk:

World Population Growth

Sequence of Singularities

Countdown to Singularity

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