sábado, 8 de junio de 2024

Planeando la próxima Plandemia

Lo explica Thomas Binder:


It is of utmost importance that the public realises how this (mainly) RT-PCR testing pLandemic was fabricated, as it is the recipe for the fabrication of any Disease X-(RT-)PCR testing pLandemic by

@WHO et al. at will, currently a H5N1-RT-PCR testing pLandemic via the intermediate host cattle.
As there cannot be a pandemic, in the true meaning of this term, of a respiratory killer virus because there are no epidemiologically relevant asymptomatic transmission and too little social interactions before the infected lie in bed or in a coffin, and as criminal psychopaths usually are not suicidal, there was no relevant release of an untargeted biological weapon, a respiratory killer virus, but of a targeted one, mRNA transfections.  
In short: An endemic of a corona common cold virus or even of no virus was inflated into a pLandemic of a killer virus with P(C)R, and was fought with pointless, negatively effective, life-threatening experimental mRNA transfections. GOF research must be forbidden, of course, but here the myth of a lab leak of a GOF-killer virus served mainly for this inflation and for confusing us. I am not sure yet whether the "COVID-19 pandemic" was a RT-PCR testing pLandemic by 95, 99 or 100%. 
HCQ and IVM (Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin) seem to work against many infections, and Vit. D3 is their most important prevention. Most alleged severe COVID patients in reality must have suffered from bacterial pneumonia diagnosed and treated too late or not at all, in the advanced stage of ARDS, SIRS and multiorgan failure. 
While events like Wuhan, Bergamo and New York highly likely were completely staged, it is possible that in some hot spots any pathogen was released locally, maybe even different ones to confuse us even more. It is of utmost importance that the public realises how this (mainly) RT-PCR testing pLandemic was fabricated, as it is the recipe for the fabrication of any Disease X-(RT-)PCR testing pLandemic by WHO et al. at will, currently a H5N1-RT-PCR testing pLandemic via the intermediate host cattle.


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