martes, 16 de enero de 2024

Jimmy Wales: Wikipedia | Lex Fridman Podcast #385



Short and sweet I'll keep it. Go to the Wikipedia entry for 'Covid-19 Vaccine' and find the Fauci narrative there. No 'disinformation' about thousands or millions of victims. Wikipedia is the global hub for official information and official disinformation. 


Min.58.41. The way to detect an innocent-seeming globalist schemer. Wales says on the issue of face masks that it's very politicised (also that "masks seem to help"), and that there are many reports out there of "people getting angry at someone wearing a mask". Maybe so in his alternative world. In my world, there are lots of masked (and even unmasked) totalitarian morons trying to get YOU to wear a mask whether you will or not, and there are UNPRECEDENTED mask mandates coming from politicians, employers and health authorities. UNPRECEDENTED in millennia of history, just think about that. And somehow these mandates and impositions seem to run off Wales's perception like water off a duck's back. Mandates are not a matter of "I have my view and other people have other views". Lex Fridman doesn't seem to get it either—it's not a matter of "different views" and that's it. Now go and trust the Wikipedia experts on the issue, and good luck with that and your naivety.

1.05.30 - The Good old Times of McCain vs. Obama. Both "interesting people" and of course straightforward honest fellows..... 'NUFF SAID!!!

2.25.20,. And how do you know that Wikipedia is not going to push some crazy pro-(toxic)vaccine campaign driven by Big Pharma lobbies, bought politicians, bought scientists and bought media simultaneously?


BIG UNINTENDED MOMENT for "SScienSS" lovers and Vax lovers... HAH!!! 🤣😂🤣🤣—on min. 2.34.42: "a lot of people are like, yeah, I got vaccinated but I really don't wanna talk about this BECAUSE IT IS SO TOXIC, you know?" 🤣😂🤣

Don't Talk about the vaccine...


—And, of course, he's suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome all the way... while trying to keep a balanced view of the whole. Good luck with that.




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