domingo, 1 de enero de 2023

American Pravda: The JFK Assassination and the Covid Cover-up

Cosas del Estado Profundo norteamericano y sus agencias y complots y desinformaciones:

Unz, Ron. "American Pravda: The JFK Assassination and the Covid Cover-Up." The Unz Review 19 Dec. 2022.* (Tucker Carlson, John Newman, CIA, James Angleton, Lee Harvey Oswald; Jeremy Farrar, Wellcome Trust; Richard H. Ebright, Disinformation; Andrew G. Huff; Ecohealth Alliance)


Shelley, Susan. "The Shameful Suppression of Pandemic Public Policy Dissidents." OC Register 31 Dec. 2022.* (Twitter files; Great Barrington Declaration; Martin Kulldorff, Alex Berenson, Andrew Bostrom).


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