jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2022

Jeffrey Sachs: US biotech cartel behind Covid origins and cover-up

Sachs, Jeffrey. "US Biotech Cartel behind Covid Origins and Cover-up." Interview by Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mathé. YouTube (The Grayzone) 9 Oct. 2022.* (Bioengineering; Virology; Cover-up; Fauci, Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance; NIH, Bioweapons and Biodefense; Lobbies, Secrecy and accountability, Corruption and Deep State, Collusions and conspiracies, Victoria Nuland).




See also:


Sachs, Jeffrey (Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia U), et al. "SDSN Webinar: Origins of the Covid-19 Pandemic." (The Lancet Commission; Sustainable Developments Solutions Network). YouTube (SDSN) 21 Dec. 2022.*  (Wuhan lab, Virology, EcoHealth Alliance; Genetic engineering, NIH criminal Cover-ups and Disinformation, Liars).





Hunter Biden's Metabiota Labs Received Tens of Millions of Dollars in DOD Contracts – Experimented with Bat Viruses in at Least One Biolab." Gateway Pundit 1 Feb. 2023.*


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