miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

Me citan en Eldorado

Me citan en esta tesis sobre literatura y enseñanza del inglés, en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, en Eldorado:

Liz Alvez, Barbara. "Insensitive Reading: The Treatment of Literary Texts in EFL Text-Books." MA (Licenciado) diss. Eldorado, Misiones, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 2015.*

A region that brings Poe to mind:

There the traveller meets aghast

Sheeted Memories of the Past—

Shrouded forms that start and sigh

As they pass the wanderer by—

White-robed forms of friends long given,

In agony, to the Earth— and Heaven.

For the heart whose woes are legion

'Tis a peaceful, soothing region—

For the spirit that walks in shadow

'Tis— oh, 'tis an Eldorado!



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