lunes, 12 de agosto de 2019

Narratología empresarial

Me citan, o me nombran, yo qué sé, en dos artículos sobre narratología empresarial:

Morrell, Kevin. (U of Birmingham). "The Narrative of 'Evidence-Based' Management: A Polemic." Journal of Management Studies 45.3 (May 2008): 613-35.*
         DOI 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2007.00755.x
Roundy, Philip T. (U of Tennessee Chattanooga). "Start-up Community Narratives: The Discursive Construction of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems." Journal of Entrepreneurship (2016). Online preprint at Academia.*
_____. "Doing Good by Telling Stories: Emotion in Social Entrepreneurship Communication." Journal of Small Business Strategy 24.2 (2014): 41-68. Online preprint at Academia.*


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