sábado, 19 de enero de 2019

Narrative Theory, Literature, and New Media

 Me citan en este libro sobre narratología, literatura, teoría de la mente y nuevas medios de comunicación:

Hatavara, Mari, Matti Hyvärinen, Maria Mäkelä and Frans Mäyrä, eds. Narrative Theory, Literature, and New Media: Narrative Minds and Virtual Worlds. London: Routledge, 2015.* Print and ebook.

Más en concreto en este capítulo

Rantanen, Tytti. "Defending the Private and the Unnarratable: Doomed Attempts to Read and Write Literary and Cinematic Minds in Marguerite Duras's India Cycle." In Narrative Theory, Literature, and New Media: Narrative Minds and Virtual Worlds. Ed. M. Hatavara et al. London: Routledge, 2015.


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