jueves, 19 de abril de 2018

Introduction to the Levels of Structural Analysis of the Narrative Text (Narrative Theory, 0)

Narrative Theory is an online introduction to classical structuralist narratological analysis. This preliminary section provides an introduction to the notion of level of analysis in narrative, and examines a number of theories bearing on the structure of the fabula (Aristotle, Tomashevsky, Bal) and of the story (Genette), with attention to the dimensions of time, distance, perspective, and to the discursive agency of the narrator.


Introduction to the Levels of Structural Analysis of the Narrative Text 

(Narrative Theory, 0)


_____. Narrative Theory. University of Zaragoza, 1990. Online edition (2005):
_____. "Introduction to the Levels of Structural Analysis of the Narrative Text." In García Landa, Narrative Theory. 1990. Online edition (2005):
_____. "Introduction to the Levels of Structural Analysis of the Narrative Text (Narrative Theory, 0)." Social Science Research Network 11 Nov. 2015.*
_____. "Introduction to the Levels of Structural Analysis of the Narrative Text (Narrative Theory, 0)." ResearchGate 7 Dec. 2015.*
         DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3431.3049
_____. "Introduction to the Levels of Analysis of the Narrative Text (Narrative Theory, 0)." Academia 12 June 2017.*


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