viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018

Ignorants and Fools

A commentary on a review of Rushdie's latest novel, The Golden House—here in Christopher Rollason's blog:

It is a sad reflection indeed that, far from merely wincing in disgust at the totalitarian puritanical mindcast of radical Islam, or rather fighting it on all fronts, the most vocal (I won’t go so far as to call them ‘articulate’) section of the Western university has concluded, after decades of Theory and Post-Theory and PostColonial Cultural Studies, that the puritanical, intolerant, totalitarian mindset is really what they want from the inside. A very badly done sum it is, and it is trumpeted out and meted out on others, willy-nilly, with a stratospherical level of smugness. These ignorants and fools are a shame to the best Western tradition.

—by the way, they are ALL anti-Trump, these ignorants and fools. Please note.


Cristina Losada: Neopuritanas.


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