lunes, 9 de octubre de 2017

Otro TopTencillo

Dear Jose Angel Garcia Landa:

Your paper, "13 MOONS, TWELVE NIGHTS: CALENDARS, CYCLES, TIME OUT OF TIME AND GENDER DIFFERENCE (A NOTE ON 'TWELFTH NIGHT')", was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: Gender, Arts, Literature & Music eJournal.

As of 09 October 2017, your paper has been downloaded 75 times. You may view the abstract and download statistics at:

Top Ten Lists are updated on a daily basis. Click the following link(s) to view the Top Ten list for:

Gender, Arts, Literature & Music eJournal Top Ten.

Click the following link(s) to view all the papers in:

Gender, Arts, Literature & Music eJournal All Papers.

Y aquí está el Top Ten en cuestión: que esta vez soy además Top One:

 Top 1 del Top 10


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