lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

Gender, I-Deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity

The book Gender, I-deology: Essays on Theory, Fiction and Film is a collective volume of essays on the representation of gender difference, and on the ideological implications of the conventions or representational strategies used in texts. It includes essays on film, literature, and critical theory, written from a number of perspectives associated to feminist criticism. My contribution is the introduction to the volume, and deals with the main guidelines of discourses on gender. I examine a number of social contexts, institutions, behavioral and linguistic practices which contribute to the discourse on gender: sexuality, essentialist and constructivist social theories, ideas about masculinity and femininity, individuality, the organization of work, the discourse of love, of family and marriage, the discourse of history, and last but not least the linguistic implications of generic difference and the ideological role of feminist criticism in the development of a critical awareness with respect to gender roles and stereotypes. I expound a theory of the role of stereotypes and of their unthinking use, as a relevant element in the present economy of gender. The paper has a linguistic-semiotic dimension, as it relates aspects of the use and generation of discourse and aspects of critical discourse analysis, viewing both from the standpoint of a theory of social processes which contribute to the formation of gender as a cultural, ideological and discursive object. There is, thus, an analytic continuum linking critical discourse and the social construction of gender through semiotic practices.

Gender, I-Deology and Addictive Representation: 

The Film of Familiarity

Keywords: Gender, Women's studies, Representation, Addiction, Stereotypes, Sexuality, Roles, Masculinity, Femininity, Feminism, Semiotics

Garcia Landa, Jose Angel, "Gender, I-Deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity" (1994). In Gender, I-deology: Essays on Theory, Fiction, and Film. Ed. Chantal Cornut-Gentille D'Arcy and José Ángel García Landa. (Postmodern Studies, 16). Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 1996.. Available at SSRN:

Date posted: April 15, 2010 ; Last revised: May 27, 2010

José Angel García Landa

Universidad de Zaragoza
Date Written: 1994
eJournal Classifications
LIT Subject Matter eJournals
WGSRN Subject Matter eJournals
WGSRN Subject Matter eJournals
WGSRN Subject Matter eJournals

_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity." In Gender, I-deology: Essays on Theory, Fiction and Film. Ed. Chantal Cornut-Gentille D'Arcy and José Angel García Landa. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996. 1-54.*
_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity."  In García Landa, Vanity Fea 15 Oct. 2008. (Links to online texts from Gender, I-deology).
_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity." In Gender, I-deology: Essays on Theory, Fiction and Film. Online iPaper at 29 Oct. 2009.*
_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity." Online PDF at Social Science Research Network 15 April 2010.*
         Women, Gender and Literature eJournal ((2010):
         Feminist Theory eJournal (2010):
_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity." Online PDF at Zaguán 8 March 2011.*
_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity." ResearchGate 3 May 2013.*
_____. ""Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity." Online at Google Books.*


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