domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2017

Prisons and Worlds of the Mind: Mind-forg'd 'Carceri', in a Nutshell

Michel de Montaigne's subjectivism and relativism is memorably formulated in his essay "That the relish for good and evil depends in great measure upon the opinion we have of them" (Essays I.XL), a reflection that must have influenced Shakespeare. Here we point out the origins of modern constructivist theories of reality in Montaigne's questioning of a common world of evaluations and perceptions in this essay—with some incidental commentary on the insights on relativism and constructivism afforded by Shakespeare himself, and by William Blake as well. The relativization of reality resulting from differences in perception, and the intensification of reality-generating processes resulting from the peculiarities of human nature, are crucial tenets of modern phenomenological anthropology, but we should recognize their intellectual debts to the ground-breaking insights of Montaigne and Shakespeare:  


5 Pages Posted: 20 Sep 2017  
Jose Angel Garcia Landa
Universidad de Zaragoza

Garcia Landa, Jose Angel, Prisons and Worlds of the Mind: Mind-Forg'd 'Carceri', in a Nutshell (April 29, 2017). Ibercampus (April 29, 2017) . Available at SSRN:

Refoto de YouTube

_____. "Cárceles y mundos de la mente." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 28 Aug. 2013.* (Montaigne, Shakespeare).
_____. "Prisons and Worlds of the Mind." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 29 April 2017.*
_____. "Prisons and Worlds of the Mind." In García Landa, Vanity Fea  30 April 2017.*
_____. "Prisons and Worlds of the Mind: Mind-Forg'd 'Carceri', in a Nutshell." Academia 28 Sept. 2017.*
_____. "Prisons and Worlds of the Mind: Mind-Forg'd 'Carceri', in a Nutshell." ResearchGate 29 Sept. 2017.*

_____. "Prisons and Worlds of the Mind: Mind-Forg'd Carceri, in a Nutshell." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 24 Sept. 2017.*


_____. "Prisons and Worlds of the Mind: Mind-Forg'd Carceri, in a Nutshell." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 5 Jan. 2023.*



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