sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Preparando un paper

—para publicarlo en Ohio, en un libro sobre teoría de la mente y literatura. Al parecer se titulará mi capítulo:
The Mind, a Room of One's Own: An Epiphanic Moment in Virginia Woolf

aquí van el resumen y la bionota:


This chapter is a close reading of a passage in Virginia Woolf's essay A Room of One's Own, examining the way in which the author expresses her theory of the androgynous mind through the spontaneous thought processes of a moment of epiphany in a "center of consciousness" or focalizing self. An emphasis is placed on Woolf's reflexive awareness of the workings of the mind as a synthesizing process, and on its ability to shape reality into an environment of one's own. The mind's response to the external environment and its modeling of reality 'within' is a first step towards the transformation of the social reality 'without' in a dialectical process.


José Ángel García Landa (MA Brown University, Ph.D. University of Zaragoza) is a tenured Professor of English at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. He has coedited a Longman Critical reader on Narratology and the volumes Gender, I-deology and Semiosphere of Narratology. He is the author of Samuel Beckett y la Narración Reflexiva, of Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa, and of more than a hundred papers, book chapters and blogs. He has been the editor of Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies and is currently editing A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology, http://bit.ly/abiblio
Further information and online papers: http://www.garcialanda.net


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