martes, 26 de julio de 2016

Criticism after Romanticism: 2. Art for Art's Sake. 3. Impressionism and Subjectivism

A lecture on the history of critical ideas and aesthetics after the heyday of Romanticism, during the Victorian period. The movement of Art for Art's sake is here presented with its French origins and an overview of the main ideas on poetics and aesthetics of its main representatives in the Anglophone sphere: Edgar Allan Poe, Walter Pater, and Oscar Wilde. This is followed by an account of Impressionist criticism.

Criticism after Romanticism:

2. Art for Art's Sake. 3. Impressionism and Subjectivism

Number of Pages in PDF File: 11
Keywords: Criticism, Aesthetics, Art for Art's sake, Poetics, Edgar Allan Poe, Oscar Wilde

eJournal Classifications (Date posted: June 30, 2016)
AARN Subject Matter eJournals
LIT Subject Matter eJournals
LIT Subject Matter eJournals
LIT Subject Matter eJournals
PRN Subject Matter eJournals

_____. "Criticism after Romanticism: (2) Art for Art's Sake. (3) Impressionism and Subjectivism." Academia 24 Aug. 2017.*
_____. "Criticism after Romanticism: (2) Art for Art's Sake. (3) Impressionism and Subjectivism." ResearchGate 25 Aug. 2017.*

_____. "Criticism after Romanticism: (2) Art for Art's Sake. (3) Impressionism and Subjectivism." Humanities Commons 7 Jan. 2018.*


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