lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

Retropost #763 (14 de febrero de 2006): IBSN, EBS, USA, URSS, OAS, UNESCO...

De mi correo:
Dear Chris Matthieu,

Thank you for your information concerning ESBN.ORG.
I find it highly interesting, and I am happy to learn that this service
exists. I do not think, however, that the "IBSN" is much related
to the issues you are concerned with. The thing began as a kind of meme
or in-joke in a blogging circle, so it should not be considered a "service"
(in any event it would be a "self-service"!) and much less as
"my" service in any relevant way. I see it as a humorous form
of self-expression and communication rather than as an effective classifying
or tagging device. At least that is the way I envisage the issue. I am aware,
however, that other people may have different views, especially considering
that this "phenomenon" is not a society or an organized project;
it is (and I think will remain) the merest of ripples in the blogosphere.
Nonetheless, if you wish to contact the current webmaster of the IBSN site,
as far as I’m aware he can be found here:
All best wishes for your project.



El blog del IBSN sigue
dando noticias sobre innovaciones y mejoras. ¡Esto va a tener más
éxito que la gripe del pollo!


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