sábado, 2 de enero de 2016

"PYGMALION" by George Bernard Shaw

Pygmalion. TV adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's play. Dir. Cedric Messina. Script ed. Nicholas Lom. Cast: Lyn Redgrave, James Villiers, Ronald Fraser, Emrys James, Lally Bowers, Nicholas Jones, Angela Baddeley, John Westbrook, Joyce Grant, Joanna McCallum. Designer: Eileen Diss. Prod. Christopher Morahan. (BBC Play of the Month). UK: BBC, 1973. Online at YouTube 16 July 2014.*


Another TV adaptation of Bernard Shaw's play:

Pygmalion. Dir. John Glenister. Adaptation of Bernard Shaw's play by Pat Sandys. Cast: Twiggy, Robert Powell, Arthur English, Ronald Fraser, Mona Washbourne, Helen Shingler. Exec. prod. David Cunliffe. Yorkshire TV / ITV, 1981. Online at YouTube (Phil P) 3 March 2013.*


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