lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

Microsoft Academic

No le llega a la suela del zapato a Google Scholar, pero tiene algunas prestaciones interesantes, este Microsoft Academic Search. Aquí está mi página, y se puede insertar en la web así:


The above information is generated by Microsoft Academic Search®, please visit Microsoft Academic Search for more information. Please check here for terms of use.

—Lo que no consigo hacer es que desaparezcan de mi perfil las publicaciones mal atribuidas que me incluyen. Ni subir mi foto. No consigo, vamos, que funcione.


Pero me responden muy atentos los empleados de Microsoft Academic:

Hello Jose,

Edits to profiles take some time to process in the system and appear live on the site. So it is normal that you aren’t seeing the updates immediately.

The “Add author” field is only to add other authors (co-authors) and not the target author for whom the publication is added. Because you are adding a publication from your author profile, you will be automatically listed as the author. Is there a co-author that you could add to that field? If not, please provide us with the information for the publication and we would be happy to add it for you.

Best regards,



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