domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014

Narrative Constitution

El Living Handbook of Narratology es una obra de referencia, impresa y en red, en el ámbito de la narratología. Participan en ella muchos de los narratólogos internacionalmente reconocidos. A mí me invitaron a participar, o por lo menos me dejaron caer la sugerencia, pero no me puse las pilas y no redacté ningún artículo. Lástima no haber sido más diligente. En fin, por lo menos me citan en alguno de ellos, por ejemplo en este sobre "Narrative Constitution":

Adopting a similar approach to Bal and Volek, who refers in German to the triad Fabula/Sujet/Text (Volek 1977: 165), García Landa distinguishes between three levels of the narrative work in a monograph that has been influential in the Spanish-speaking countries. These levels, essentially of equal importance, are arranged above one another in tiers or nested within one another. They are acción (plot), relato (narrative), and discurso narrativo (narrative discourse). By acción, García Landa means the sequence of narrated events; by relato the presentation (representación) of the narrated events (i.e. tense and mood in Genette’s sense; → Perspective/Point of View); and by discurso the presentation of the relato, the transformation of the relato, that is to say, into a sign system in conjunction with the act of utterance that is the narración (‘narration’). In this latter level García Landa includes what Genette covers under voice as well as pragmatic aspects such as the communication between author and reader (García Landa 1998: esp. 20–1; → Mediacy and Narrative Mediation). Unlike Genette and Rimmon-Kenan, who take distinctions in the field of the discours as the basis for their tripartite models, García Landa’s relato is situated in a borderline region between discours and histoire, and he himself treats it as a kind of intersection (a “terreno común”) between acción and discurso.

Scheffel, Michael. "Narrative Constitution." The Living Handbook of Narratology. Hamburg UP, 2010.*


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