martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Dos despedidas en All for Love

Lo mejor de la tragedia de Dryden All For Love, y no es por ser cruel ni despectivo con el autor, es cuando acaba—su epílogo, y su último verso, "'Tis more than one man's work to please you all". Pero por ser menos injustos aún, tiene también otros momentos. Por ejemplo, estas dos despedidas de las dos heroínas abandonadas por Marco Antonio. Una, la once and future lover

Then must we part? Farewell, my cruel lord!
The appearance is against me; and I go,
Unjustified, for ever from your sight.
How I have loved, you know; how yet I love,
My only comfort is, I know myself:
I love you more, even now you are unkind,
Than when you loved me most; so well, so truly
I'll never strive against it, but die pleased,
To think you once were mine.

—y la otra, la esposa, la ex:


Yes, I will go, but never to return.
You shall no more be haunted with this Fury.
My lord, my lord, love will not always last,
When urged with long unkindness and disdain:
Take her again, whom you prefer to me;
She stays but to be called. Poor cozened man!
Let a feigned parting give her back your heart,
Which a feigned love first got; for injured me,
Though my just sense of wrongs forbid my stay,
My duty shall be yours.
To the dear pledges of our former love
My tenderness and care shall be transferred,
And they shall cheer, by turns, my widowed nights:
So, take my last farewell; for I despair
to have you whole, and scorn to take you half.


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