martes, 15 de abril de 2014

We, the other Victorians

Reseña, en inglés, del volumen WE, THE OTHER VICTORIANS: CONSIDERINGTHE HERITAGE OF 19TH-CENTURY THOUGHT editado por Silvia Caporale Bizzini (Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2003). Es un volumen sobre la cultura anglosajona de la era victoriana, que examina también cuestiones de la modernidad y de la sociedad contemporánea a través de la comparación y paralelismo entre fenómenos decimonónicos y contemporáneos. Es un libro de interés para críticos culturales que trabajen en cuestiones como el consumismo, las políticas sobre drogas, las tecnologías del cuerpo, la metaficción historiográfica, etc.: pero también es una contribución interesante al género crítico postmoderno que podríamos llamar "hermenéutica de la relectura retrospectiva."


A review of the book WE, THE OTHER VICTORIANS: CONSIDERING THE HERITAGE OF 19TH-CENTURY THOUGHT, ed. Silvia Caporale Bizzini (University of Alicante, 2003). This is a volume on cultural studies in the Anglo-Saxon area during the Victorian period, which also examines issues relevant to modernity and contemporary society through a comparison and parallelism between present-day issues and phenomena and their nineteenth-century equivalents. The book will be of interest to cultural critics working in such areas as consumerism, drug policies, body technologies, historiographic metafiction, etc.; but it is also an interesting contribution to a postmodern critical genre we might call "hermeneutics of retrospective rereading".

También aquí:


_____. Rev. of We, the "Other Victorians": Considering the Heritage of 19th-Century Thought.  Ed. Silvia Caporale Bizzini. Atlantis 27.1 (June 2005): 111-15.*


_____. Rev. of We, the "Other Victorians": Considering the Heritage of 19th-Century Thought.  Ed. Silvia Caporale Bizzini. Online PDF at SSRN 4 March 2009.*


_____. Rev. of We, the "Other Victorians": Considering the Heritage of 19th-Century Thought." Ed. Silvia Caporale Bizzini. Online PDF in Zaguán 4 March 2009.*


_____. Rev. of We, the "Other Victorians": Considering the Heritage of 19th-Century Thought." Ed. Silvia Caporale Bizzini. ResearchGate 4 Sept. 2012.*


_____. Rev. of We, the "Other Victorians": Considering the Heritage of 19th-Century Thought." Ed. Silvia Caporale Bizzini. Academia 15 April 2014.*


_____. Rev. of We, the "Other Victorians" Online at García Landa, Vanity Fea 15 April 2024.*




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