lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Los robots se mofan de mí

¿Cómo si no interpretar que aparezca un artículo mío en esta lista de Top Ten Hits?

O el siguiente mensaje que me manda, con exceso de celo, el sistema pensante de ScoopIt:


Como para inspirar una crisis de productividad. Me viene al pelo, en estas circunstancias, esta reflexión de la pintora Leah que cuenta Mark Freeman en Hindsight:

Leah had come to realize that nothing was essential, that there was no foundation or ground for a painting's existence, no identifiable set of ingredients or qualities that would proclaim its necessity. Along these lines, perhaps there was no identifiable reason for her, or anyone else, to paint. Here she was, creating essentially useless objects that had no discernible rationale, no reason for being. Should she continue to create art? Was she an artist? An artistic breakdown eventually would occur. She would be rendered mute, reduced to silence.

No digo que hacer blogs sea arte, pero bueno, como analogía igual vale. Expresionismo abstracto quizá sí sea.


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