martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

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Me enlazan la bibliografía que vengo haciendo desde los años 80, A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology, en KWS Net, un directorio que reúne recursos seleccionados para una multitud de disciplinas académicas y temas de estudio. Aquí está la página de Crítica Literaria y Teoría Literaria, en su última actualización, con montones de sitios útiles, y con mi bibliografía en primera plana... por razones alfabéticas, supongo. Pero hay que admitir que no estoy en mala compañía:

    Literary Criticism/Literary Theory Index   Go to bottom of page for information about KWSnet, including an email address for comments or suggestions.

    • A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology - A bibliography of literary studies, criticism and philology. It consists of 5,000 text files listing over 250,000 items (books, book chapters, articles, films, websites, etc.), with a main focus on English-speaking authors and criticism or literary theory written in English, although there are many listings on linguistics, cultural studies, discourse analysis, and other philological subjects.
    • Booknotes - For sixteen years, from 1989 to 2004, Booknotes was C-SPAN's signature author-interview program. Focusing exclusively on contemporary nonfiction books, the Booknotes series created an unparalleled television forum for writers of history, biography, politics, and public affairs. Booknotes format was simple: One author, one book, one hour. For a full hour every Sunday night, fifty-two weeks a year, nonfiction writers were asked to discuss their most recent work. Beyond the book's subject matter, authors were also queried about their research, their writing process, and their own lives and influences. The result is a valuable video resource for authors, researchers, students, readers and educators. 800 intrerviews from April 1989-December 2004.
    • Cambridge History of English and American Literature - All 18 volumes online. Edited by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller.
    • CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture - Peer-reviewed, full-text, and open-access online learned journal in the humanities and social sciences, publishes new scholarship following tenets of the discipline of comparative literature and the field of cultural studies designated as "comparative cultural studies."
    • Contracorriente: A Journal on Social History and Literature in Latin America - A journal that fosters intellectual debate regarding Latin American culture and literature with a sociological and historical scope.
    • Cyberspace, Hypertext, and Critical Theory - Cyberspace primarily deals with the virtual interactions that are possible by using networked computers. Critical Theory analysizes how these interactions effect communication, discourse, and the development of ideas.
    • Differences Between Literary Criticism, Literary Theory, and 'Theory Itself' - Presented byProfessor John Lye, Department of English, Brock University.
    • Early Modern Literary Studies (EMLS) - A refereed journal serving as a formal arena for scholarly discussion and as an academic resource for researchers.
    • Essential Comparative Literature and Theory, The (ÉCLAT) - Directory of links mainatined by the Program in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Pennsylvania.
    • Figures of Speech - Definitions of figures of speech from early modern literature.
    • Hassan, Ihab - Writer, critic, eduactor. His major works of criticism that engage the idea of the postemodern - The Dismemberment of Orpheus, Paracriticisms, The Right Promethean Fire, The Postmodern Turn, and many essays - have had an enormous impact on literary culture and theory. The following table is taken from a part of The Dismemberment of Orpheus that was reprinted inPostmodern American Fiction: A Norton Anthology (1998). It has helped many students understand the differences, both concrete and abstract, between modernism and postmodernism.

        Modernism          Postmodernism
        Romanticism/Symbolism          Pataphysics/Dadaism
        Form (conjunctive, closed)          Antiform (disjunctive, open)
        Purpose          Play
        Design          Chance
        Hierarchy          Anarchy
        Mastery/Logos          Exhaustion/Silence
        Art Object / Finished Work          Process/Performance/Happening
        Distance          Participation
        Creation/Totalization          Decreation/Deconstruction
        Synthesis          Antithesis
        Presence          Absence
        Centering          Dispersal
        Genre/Boundary          Text/Intertext
        Semantics          Rhetoric
        Paradigm          Syntagm
        Hypotaxis          Parataxis
        Metaphor          Metonymy
        Selection          Combination
        Root/Depth          Rhizome/Surface
        Interpretation/Reading          Against Interpretation / Misreading
        Signified          Signifier
        Lisible (Readerly)          Scriptable (Writerly)
        Narrative / Grande Histoire          Anti-narrative / Petit Histoire
        Master Code          Idiolect
        Symptom          Desire
        Type          Mutant
        Genital/Phallic          Polymorphous/Androgynous
        Paranoia          Schizophrenia
        Origin / Cause          Difference-Differance / Trace
        God the Father          The Holy Ghost
        Metaphysics          Irony
        Determinacy          Indeterminacy
        Transcendence          Immanence

    • Hugh Kenner Papers - Correspondence, offprints, clippings, typescripts, galley proofs, photographs, tearsheets, drawings, computer printouts and program sheets, holograph notes and drafts, notebooks, and academic papers document Hugh Kenner's career as critic, scholar, and educator from 1943 to 1994.
    • Imaginative Literature and Social Change - Examines the relationship between literature and social change.
    • ipl2 Literary Criticism Collection - Directory of critical and biographical websites about authors and their works that can be browsed by author, by title, or by nationality and literary period.
    • John Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, The - The Guide consists of 226 alphabetically arranged entries on individual critics and theorists, critical and theoretical schools and movements, and the critical and theoretical innovations of specific countries and historical periods. Without a subscription, only limited access is provided.
    • Literary Resources on the Net - Links maintained by Jack Lynch, Assistant Professor in the English department of the Newark campus of Rutgers University, specializing in English literature.
    • LitLine (Illinois Arts Council) - Consists of noncommercial literary presses and magazines, literary centers, writers conferences and festivals, writers who publish with noncommercial literary presses and magazines, service organizations which support the community, and independent bookstores which are the chief purveyors of noncommercial press books.
      • Journals - A comprehensive list of literary journals with an online presence, from Agni toZYZZYVA. We pride ourselves on having the most extensive and refined yet avant-garde collection of such links on the web.
      • Illinois Literary Network (ILN): A site devoted to literary links specifically for the state of Illinois.
      • Illinois Writer's Directory (IWD): Information found here can be used to invite participating authors to readings, workshops, or to learn more about the authors living within the state.
      • Miscellaneous Links - Includes links to searchable directories for writers, bookstores, publishers, presses, literary agents, funding, workshops and tools for writers.
      • Online Journals - An extensive list of online literary journals with content only to be found on the web. Hypertext, radical prose, experimental poetry, and good old narrative.
      • Organizations - A listing of organizations doing their part to keep independent literature alive. Includes conferences, events, distributors and literary centers.
      • Presses - Small press publishers on the web - places to find independently published literature from novels to chapbooks, from the postmodern to more traditional flavors.
    • Modern American Poetry (MAPS) - A living, breathing conversation between hundreds of poets, scholars, and readers, constantly growing and presented in an eminently clear and usable way. Extraordinary in its depth and breadth, and a one-of-a-kind resource for teaching modern American poetry, MAPS provides a single clearinghouse for some of the best criticism on the best poets of our time.
    • Novelguide - Novel resource guide and literary analysis.
    • Perspectives in American Literature (PAL) - A research and reference guide maintained by Paul P. Reuben, Ph.D.
    • Poems, Plays, and Prose: A Guide to the Theory of Literary Genres - A work-in-progress website dedicated to the theory of literary genres.
    • Romantic Circles - A refereed scholarly website devoted to the study of Romantic-period literature and culture.
    • Rorotoko - Exclusive authors’ interviews on some of the most fascinating books coming out of some of the finest nonfiction and scholarly presses.
    • Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric - A guide to the terms of classical and renaissance rhetoric.
    • Victorian Web - everything Victorian.
    • William Empson - Empson was an English literary critic and poet, widely influential for his practice of closely reading literary works, fundamental to New Criticism. His best-known work is his first,Seven Types of Ambiguity, published in 1930. Wikipedia backgrounder.

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