viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Reasoning Beasts CFP

Call for Papers for a Book Collection; Reasoning Beasts: Evolution, Cognition, and Culture in the Eighteenth Century

Abstracts due by November 1, 2012 First draft of accepted papers due May 1, 2013.


Michael Austin (
Kathryn Stasio (

Please send 500 word abstracts proposing contributions to a book of essays, to be published by AMS Press, exploring literature and culture in the long eighteenth century (1660-1820) from the perspective of evolutionary or cognitive literary theory. Final essays should be between 6000 and 7500 words and should apply some aspect of cognitive or evolutionary cultural theory to an eighteenth-century work, group of works, author, genre, textual issue, or cultural phenomenon. Abstracts should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae or short biography. Authors of accepted abstracts will be contacted by December 1, 2012 and asked to submit a first draft for publication by May of 2013.

cfp categories:





—Quizá les envíe mi artículo sobre Darwinian Goldsmith...

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