jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

Spanish Not Supported (No Soportamos el Español)

Un intercambio en la plataforma ResearchGate:

 Post Deleted

User Care    19 hours ago
Dear Dr José Angel García Landa,

We regret to inform you that your contribution to the Narrative Theory topic has been deleted by one of our editors. This was done due to one of the following reasons:

1) The question posted was thought to be inappropriate or was posted in multiple topics.

2) Your question was written in a language other than English, lacked clarity or was not relevant to the discussion.

For more information about how or why we moderate Topics, please take a look at our Topics Guidelines (http://help.researchgate.net/Topics_Guidelines). The content of your post is reproduced here:

El animal que hace historias

(on Jonathan Gottschall's THE STORYTELLING ANIMAL): http://vanityfea.blogspot.com.es/2012/06/el-animal-que-hace-historias.html
Vanity Fea: El animal que hace historias

Kind Regards,

ResearchGate User Care

José Angel García Landa      18 hours ago
¿Does ResearchGate assume that English is the only relevant language for academic communication?

User Care   25 minutes ago

Dear Dr. Landa,

We understand that scientific communication in languages other than English is a very important and necessary part of the scientific process. At the moment, however, we are only able to provide support for English-language content.

Thank you for your continued interest in the ResearchGate platform.

Kind Regards,
ResearchGate User Care

José Angel García Landa    0 minutes ago

Dear ResearchGate    User Care:

This is very unfortunate. I understand you may not feel it convenient at this moment to support other languages, but an international platform should at least ALLOW the use of a handful of major languages, say English, French, Chinese, German, Japanese, Spanish and Arabic. As you may know, Spanish is the most internationally widespread language in terms of native users. And it is second to English in the United States as a native language. I earnestly hope that ResearchGate's understanding of the reality of multilingualism may soon extend to, at least, tolerating the existence of major international languages other than English, short of actively encouraging their use.


Jose Angel Garcia Landa
Senior lecturer in English, University of Zaragoza

Me he dejado el ruso y el hindi. Pero claro, ¿qué les vamos a decir a los americanos, si aquí en España la CNEAI (organismo oficial) me ha denegado un sexenio con el argumento, entre otros, de que había hecho una publicación en español?

3 comentarios:

  1. Lo siento mucho, no debería ser así...

  2. Anónimo5:31 a. m.

    ". Pero claro, ¿qué les vamos a decir a los americanos, si aquí en España la CNEAI (organismo oficial) me ha denegado un sexenio con el argumento, entre otros, de que había hecho una publicación en español?"

    ¿En serio Jose Angel?.

    (mail: ajmm3@arrakis.es)

  3. En serio en serio. Por supuesto ya he contraargumentado en el recurso que era imposible que este argumento lo hubiesen utilizado contra TODOS los artículos que les presentan en español... con lo cual se une la injusticia a la incoherencia. Pero bueno, aún estoy a la espera de que me respondan.


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