domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Some Cursed Example

Al comienzo de The Duchess of Malfi, Webster describe el efecto de un buen reinado y de uno malo:

In seeking to reduce both state and people
To a fixed order, their judicious king
Begins at home; quits first his royal palace
Of flattering sycophants, of dissolute
And infamous persons—which he sweetly terms
His Master's masterpiece, the work of heaven—(1)
considering duly that a prince's court
Is like a common fountain, whence should flow
Pure silver drops in general, but if 't chance
Some cursed example poison 't near the head,
Death and diseases through the whole land spread.

(1) Se refiere al episodio en que Jesucristo expulsa a los mercaderes del Templo.

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