viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

The Cambridge experience (5 mayo)

Un encuentro para profesores de inglés organizado por el centro Cambridge de Zaragoza: se puede reservar sitio en

Es mañana, 5 de mayo, sábado, por la mañana en la Facultad de Derecho. Habrá charlas, seminarios, y un coffee break. También sortean un iPad entre quienes se inscriban.


09:30 - 10:00 Welcome and Registration
10:00 - 11:00 TLC for happy kids by Geraldine Laboria
Scientific evidence has shown that children don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Theoretically based on both Emotional and Social Intelligence this talk will deal with the “why” and the “how” of putting TLC (Tender Loving Care!) into practice in the classroom. Remember: Happy
Kids= a Happy Teacher= more learning with less stress.

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:30 Creating commitment by Lynn Durrant
Language learning is about commitment to experiment, being flexible and adapting to changes and it is also about a disciplined step-by-step approach which guides the students to being better and more informed language learners. Our goal as teachers is to create a learning environment that empowers the students, that makes them active participants in their own success and provides a balance of “solid” learning and the freedom to be creative. This workshop will include practical suggestions and some resources aimed at catering for commitment, success and enjoyment for Bachillerato students.
is also about a disciplined step-by-step approach which guides the students to being better and more informed language learners. Our goal as teachers is to create a learning environment that empowers the students, that makes them active participants in their own success and provides a balance of “solid” learning and the freedom to be creative.
This workshop will include practical suggestions and some resources aimed at catering for commitment, success and enjoyment for Bachillerato students.

12:45 - 13:45 What have you got to say for yourself? by Stephen Hasler
Spaniards are so good at talking, yet so often they seem to dry up in the classroom. Is this all down to the famous “sentido del ridículo” or are there other factors involved? Today’s talk looks at these problems, offers some solutions and shows how bringing the FCE for Schools Speaking Test into the classroom not only helps overcome these obstacles but also genuinely improves students’ speaking skills.

13:45 Raffle
(Sorteo del iPad entre los asistentes registrados).

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