jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Personal Stories and Public Appearance


'Personal Story & Public Appearance'

Life Writing Workshop
28-29 September 2012, Tilburg University, Netherlands

Organiser: Programme Literature and Visual Art in the European Public Sphere,
Department of Culture Studies, Tilburg University

In this two-day workshop on life writing we shall explore representations of
the self and constructions of identity in contemporary autobiographical texts
and cultural products ranging from literary autobiographies and visual art to
performances and portrayals of the self in documentaries, interviews, films,
and digital media.

We invite scholars and researchers from the fields of literature, visual art,
culture studies, history, ethnography, anthropology, and philosophy to
explore representations of the self. The focus of this workshop is on the
translation of personal experience to the represented or imagined story,
publicly performed or otherwise made open to the view of all. Relevant
questions are: How, and for what purpose, is the story effective? Who are the
public/audience and what is their relationship to autobiographical products
and their producers? Are audience members passive recipients or active
negotiators, shapers, and creators of meaning and thus of the represented
autobiographical identity? What expressive techniques are used to 'translate'
and mediate personal experience? In what ways do different media combine to
create new discourses of the self? We encourage submissions on topics such
as: public confessions, the represented self in painting, film, and
documentary, constructions of identity in digital story-telling,

Workshop papers will be made available to all participants on a
password-protected website prior to the event so that they can be read in
advance. Papers should be between 4000-5000 words. In the workshop each
participant will be allocated a 30-minute slot, consisting of a brief
presentation by the speaker (5-10 minutes) followed by discussion of the

Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words to Dr Sanna Lehtonen,
s.j.lehtonen@uvt.nl. Abstracts should be accompanied by a brief biographical
statement (max 150 words).
Deadline for abstracts: April 30, 2012
Deadline for submission of full papers: August 1, 2012

The submitters of abstracts will be notified of acceptance or refusal by the
end of May 2012.


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