miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011


Y Hobbes. Primero, el célebre frontispicio del Leviathan de Hobbes (1651):

Haciendo clic en la imagen se llega al texto de Leviathan, en Project Gutenberg.

Un par de introducciones a Hobbes. La primera en español, de parte de Fernando Savater:

La segunda, dos lecciones sobre Hobbes, de un curso de filosofía política, en el canal de la universidad de Yale:




Y por último, algunas referencias de y sobre Hobbes, de mi bibliografía de teoría y crítica literaria:

Thomas Hobbes
(1588-1679). English philosopher and political theorist; b. Malmesbury, st. Magdalen Hall, Oxford, grad. 1608; secretary to Francis Bacon; tutor to Lord Cavendish of Hardwick, later Lord Devonshire; travelled in Europe 1629-31 and 1634-37; fled to Paris, 1640-51 later tutor to the Royal Family in exile, returned to Cromwell's England; highly polemical theorist of absolutism, pensioned by Charles II during the Restoration; d. Hardwick.

    Early works
    Later works

On Hobbes


Early works

Hobbes, Thomas. Three Discourses: Newly Identified Work of the Young Hobbes. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1996.
_____, trans. (Thucydides). 1628.
_____. Brief of the Art of Rhetoric. By Aristotle. 1637. (Digest).
_____. Brief of the Art of Rhetorick. Online ed. of the 1681 London edition, scanned from: Aristotle; Treatise on Rhetoric, literally translated from the Greek, with the Analysis by T Hobbes, by Thomas Buckley. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1850.  In Peithô's Web: Classic Rhetoric and Persuasion.
_____. The Elements of Law, Naturall and Politique. Circulated 1640.
_____. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic, Part I, Human Nature. Part II, De Corpore Politico. With Three Lives. Ed. J. C. A. Gaskin. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994.*
_____. Answer to Davenant. (With Davenant's letter to Hobbes). Paris, 1650. Rpt. London, 1651 (with Davenant's works).
_____. "Answer to Davenant's Preface to Gondibert." 1650. Rpt. in Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 213-217.*
_____. Elementorum Philosophiae Sectio tertia De Cive. Pub. 1642.
_____. Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society. 1651. Trans. of De Cive.
_____. Human Nature: or The Fundamental Elemnents of Policy. 1650.
_____. De Corpore Politico: or the Elements of Law, Moral and Politick. 1650.
_____. "Of the Publique Ministers of Soveraign Power." In Hobbes, Leviathan. London: Dent; New York: Dutton (Everyman), 1914. 126-29.*
_____. Elementorum Philosophiae Sectio prima De corpore. 1655.
_____. Elementorum Philosophiae Sectio secunda De Homine. 1658.


Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan Or the Matter, Form, and Power of A Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil. London: Printed for Andrew Crooke, 1651. (Third version of The Elements of Law… ; Introduction; Part I, Of Man; Part II, Of Common-wealth; Part III, Of a Christian Common-wealth; Part IV, Of the Kingdome of Darknesse; Review and Conclusion).
_____. Leviathan. London: Routledge, 1885.
_____. Leviathan. Oxford, 1929.
_____. Leviathan. Introd. A. D. Lindsay. (Everyman). London: Dent; New York: Dutton 1914. 1941.*
_____. Leviathan, Or the Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical or Civil. Ed. Michael Oakeshott. Oxford: Blackwell, 1957. 1960.
_____. Leviathan. London: Collins, 1962.
_____. Leviathan. Ed. C. B. Macpherson. Harmondsworth: Penguin-Pelican Books, 1968. 1976.
_____. Leviathan. Ed. C. B. Macpherson. Baltimore: Penguin, 1968.
_____. Leviathan. Ed. C. B. Macpherson. (Penguin English Library). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981.
_____. Leviathan. ·Ed. C. B. Macpherson. (Penguin Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.*
_____. "Six Lessons to the Professor of Mathematics." In The English Works of Thomas Hobbes. Ed. Sir William Molesworth. Vol. 7. London: John Bonn, 1945.
_____. Leviathan. Ed. Richard E. Flathman and David Johnston. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1996.
_____. Leviathan. Ed. Richard Tuck. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991. (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought). 1996.*
_____. Leviathan. Ed. Edwin Curly. Hackett Publishing, 1994.
_____. From Leviathan. In The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and Thomas Healy. London: Hodder Headline-Arnold, 1997. 419-22.*
_____. From Leviathan. Ch. XIII. In British Literature 1640-1789: An Anthology. Ed. Robert DeMaria. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 9-12.*
_____. From Leviathan. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt, et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1587-95.*
_____. Leviathan. Latin edition by Hobbes. 1668.

Later works

_____. Questions concerning Liberty, Necessity and Chance. 1656.
_____. Opera philosophica quae Latine scripsit. Amsterdam, 1668.
_____. Opera philosophica quae Latine scripsit. Ed. Sir William Molesworth. 5 vols. 1839-45.
_____. Historia Ecclesiastica. Poem. 1668.
_____. (Autobiography in Latin verse). Written  c. 1672.
_____. Decamerum Physiologicum; or Ten Dialogues of Natural Philosophy. 1678.
_____. Behemoth, or The Long Parliament. Dialogues on the Civil War.
_____. Behemoth: The History of the Causes of the Civil Wars of England. 1679, rev. ed. 1681.
_____. Behemoth. In The English Works of Thomas Hobbes. Ed. Sir William Molesworth. Vol. 6. London, 1840.
_____. Behemoth or the Long Parliament. Ed. Ferdinand Tönnies. 2nd ed. Introd. M. M. Goldsmith. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1969.
_____. A Dialogue between a Philosopher and a Student of the Common Laws of England. 1681.
_____, trans. The Iliads and Odysses of Homer. 1675.
_____. "To the Reader, Concerning the Vertues of an Heroique Poem." Preface to his translation of Homer's Odyssey. 1675. In Spingarn, Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century vol. 2.
_____. "Six Lessons to the Professor of Mathematics." In The English Works of Thomas Hobbes. Ed. Sir William Molesworth. Vol. 7. London: John Bonn, 1845.
_____. The English Works. Ed. Sir William Molesworth. 11 vols. 1839-45.
_____. The Correspondence. Vol. 1: 1622-1659. Vol. 2: 1660-1679. Ed. Noel Malcolm. (Clarendon Edition of the Works of Thomas Hobbes). Oxford: Clarendon, 1997.
_____. The Correspondence of Thomas Hobbes. Database. 2 vols. (English Letters). Intelex / Oxford UP, forthcoming 2004. (Oxford UP).
Hobbes and Bramhall. Hobbes and Bramhall on Liberty and Necessity. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990s.

On Hobbes


Martinich, A. P. Hobbes: A Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.
Robertson, G. G. Hobbes. Edinburgh: Blackwood and Sons, 1886.


Abbagnano, Nicolás. "Hobbes." In Abbagnano, Historia de la Filosofía. Barcelona: Montaner y Simón, 1978. 185-200.*
Alvarez, Juan Ramón. "El naturalismo corporeísta de Thomas Hobbes." In Estudios literarios ingleses: Renacimiento y barroco. Ed. Susana Onega. Madrid: Cátedra, 1986. 467-98.*
Boyle, Robert. An Examen of M. Hobbes his Dialogus Physicus de Natura Aëris. In Boyle, Works. 2nd ed. London: J. & F. Rivington, 1772.
Bramhall. Defence of True Liberty. In Early Responses to Hobbes. London: Routledge/Thoemmes, 1999.
Bredvold, Louis I. "Philosophy: Hobbes and Locke." In Bredvold, The Literature of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century 1660-1798. London: Collier-Macmillan, 1962. 33-36.*
Brett, R. L. "Thomas Hobbes." In The English Mind. Ed. Hugh Sykes Davies and George Watson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1964. 30-54.*
_____. From "Thomas Hobbes." From The English Mind. Rpt. in The Critical Perspective: Volume 3: Elizabethan-Caroline. Ed. Harold Bloom. (The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism). New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 1847-52.*
Clark, Stuart. Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007.* (Agrippa, Anamorphosis, Apparitions, Aristotle, Bacon, Giambattista Della Porta, Descartes, Eyes, Joseph Glanvill, Hobbes, Images, Imagination, Magic, Melancholy, Marin Mersenne, Montaigne, Optics, Paradoxes, Perspective, Vision, Witchcraft).
Collmer, Robert G. "A Collection of Toothpicks from The Winter's Tale to Leviathan." Connotations 3.1 (1993-94): 13-25.
Dowlin, Cornell M. Sir William Davenant's GONDIBERT, its Preface and Hobbes's Answer. Philadelphia, 1934.
Dumont, Louis. Essais sur l'individualisme. Paris: Seuil (Points), 1991.*
Eade, C., ed. "Some English Iliads." Arion 6 (1967): 336-345. (Annotated selections from Chapman, Dryden and Hobbes).
Early Responses to Hobbes. 6 vols. London: Routledge/Thoemmes, 1999.
Gómez Soliño, José S. "Hobbes, hombre de letras." Liminar 4-5 (1979): 26-31.
González Gallego, A. Hobbes o la racionalización del poder. Universidad de Barcelona, 1981.
Green, Karen. "Christine de Pisan and Thomas Hobbes." In Hypatia's Daughters. Ed. Linda Lopez McAlister. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996. 48-67.*
Hall, Vernon. "William Davenant and Thomas Hobbes." In Hall, A Short History of Literary Criticism. New York: New York UP, 1963.
Hill, Christopher. Puritanism and Revolution. London, 1958. (Hobbes, Harrington, Marvell, etc.).
_____. Puritanism and Revolution: Studies in Interpretation of the English Revolution of the 17th Century. Secker, 1965.
_____. Puritanism and Revolution: Studies in Interpretation of the English Revolution of the 17th Century. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.
_____. From "Thomas Hobbes and the Revolution in Political Thought." From Hill, Puritanism and Revolution. 1958. 277-88. Rpt. in The Critical Perspective: Volume 3: Elizabethan-Caroline. Ed. Harold Bloom. (The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism). New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 1844-47.
Hill, Geoffrey. "The Eloquence of Sober Truth." Rev. of Early Responses to Hobbes. TLS 11 June 1999: 7-12.* (Clarendon).
Hirschberger, Johannes. "Hobbes: El moderno naturalismo." In Hirschberger, Historia de la filosofía. Barcelona: Herder, 1977. 2.104-112.
Hindess, Barry. Discourses of Power: From Hobbes to Foucault. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.
Hopkins, Robert H. "The Personation of Hobbism in Swift's Tale of a Tub and Mechanical Operation of the Spirit." Philological Quarterly 45 (April 1966): 372-78.
James, D. G. The Life of Reason: Hobbes, Locke, Bolingbroke. 1949.
James, Susan. Passion and Action: The Emotions in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon, c. 1998. (Hobbes, Malebranche, Descartes, Spinoza, Pascal, Locke).
Lucy, William. Observations, Censures and Confutations of . . . Leviathan. 1663. In Early Responses to Hobbes. London: Routledge/Thoemmes, 1999.
Macpherson, C. B. "Hobbes: The Political Obligation of the Market." In Macpherson, The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke. Oxford: Clarendon, 1962. 1990. 9-106.*
Mintz, Samuel I. The Hunting of Leviathan: Seventeenth-Century Reactions to the Materialism and Moral Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. Cambridge, 1962.
Oakeshott, Michael. From "Introduction to Leviathan." 1946. From Oakeshott, Hobbes on Civil Association. 1975. 56-74. Rpt. in The Critical Perspective: Volume 3: Elizabethan-Caroline. Ed. Harold Bloom. (The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism). New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 1839-44.*
Pye, Christopher. "The Sovereign, the Theater, and the Kingdom of Darknesse: Hobbes and the Spectacle of Power." Representations 8 (1984): 85-106.
Reik, Miriam M. The Golden Lands of Thomas Hobbes. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1977.
_____. From Reik, "Thucidides Placuit": The Golden Lands of Thomas Hobbes. 1977. 36-50. Rpt. in The Critical Perspective: Volume 3: Elizabethan-Caroline. Ed. Harold Bloom. (The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism). New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 1852-56.*
Riddhough, G. B. "Thomas Hobbes' Translations of Homer." Phoenix 12 (1958): 58-62.
Russell, Bertrand. "El Leviatán de Hobbes." In Russell, Historia de la Filosofía Occidental, in Russell, Historia de la filosofía. Madrid: Aguilar, 1973.*
Shapin, Steven, and Simon Schaffer. Leviathan and the Air Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1985.
Skinner, Q. "Thomas Hobbes and the Nature of the Early Royal Society." Historical Journal 12 (1969): 217-39.
_____. Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.
Strauss, Leo. "El derecho natural moderno (1. Hobbes. 2. Locke)." In Strauss, Derecho natural e historia. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 2000. 221-326.*
Tenison, T. "The Creed of Mr. Hobbes." Philosophical Transactions 5.64 (October 1670): 2080-2081.
Thorpe, Clarence D. The Aesthetic Theory of Thomas Hobbes, with Special Reference to His Contribution to the Psychological Approach in English Literary Criticism. Ann Arbor, 1940.
Vickers, Brian. "'Tis the Goddesse of Rhetorick." Rev. of Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes. By Quentin Skinner. TLS 16 August 1996: 27-28.*
Watkins, J. W. N. Hobbes's System of Ideas. 1965.
Watson, George. "Hobbes and the Metaphysical Conceit." Journal of the History of Ideas 16 (1955): 558-62.
Winterbotton, John A. "The Place of Hobbesian Ideas in Dryden's Tragedies." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 57 (1958): 665-83.
Zschirnt, Christiane. "3. Política. Nicolás Maquiavelo: El Príncipe. Thomas Hobbes: Leviatán. John Locke: Segundo Tratado sobre el gobierno civil. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: El contrato social. Alexis de Tocqueville: La democracia en América. Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels: El manifiesto del partido comunista. John Stuart Mill: Sobre la libertad." In Zschirnt, Libros: Todo lo que hay que leer. Madrid: Santillana-Taurus, 2004. 83-104.*


Macdonald, Hugh, and Mary Hargreaves. Thomas Hobbes: A Bibliography. 1952.

Internet resources

"Thomas Hobbes." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*

Dictionaries and encyclopedias

Martinich, A. P. A Hobbes Dictionary. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.


(Clarendon Edition of the Works of Thomas Hobbes). Oxford: Clarendon.


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