jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

The Dice Are Loaded

The Joys of Teaching Literature tells of someone who tried to get her PhD supervised by a professor who wouldn't even look at it... but in the author's experience, supervising a Ph.D. candidate's work is an exhausting job. In my commentary, these are two sides to the very same coin:

And why would anyone wish to work with a supervisor who doesn’t supervise? Well, I know a possible answer to that question. Christ himself said, “unto those that have, more shall be given”. There is a kind of professor who tends to absorb everything, like a vortex: influence, research projects, supervisions…. and if you want the remotest chance of an academic career, you’d better begin by contributing your share to HIS (or HER career). The Catedrático gets all the PhD candidates who are able to really write a dissertation on their own, that’s why they "work" more and their job is easier. And the second-best or third worst are left to those whose job is to push and pull the candidate until s/he makes it… an exhausting job if you ask me, I almost said a fool’s game. The academic dice are loaded.

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